Registrations are currently being accepted for the Lip Sync Contest by Tania – 417/876-8549, Joyce – 417/876-5035 or Judi 417/876-2691.
There are no auditions, however registration is mandatory. Each lip sync performance will be limited to one song and the contestant must provide his or her own CD. It is your responsibility to deliver your CD to the bandstand and pick up your CD at the same place after your performance. We do not take responsibility for them.
Contestants will be judged in these categories: costumes, props, lip movement, overall performance and audience appeal.
There will be two age categories. Prize money of $100 will be awarded to the overall winner (may be chosen from either age category). 1st and 2nd prizes of $75 and $50 will be awarded to the winners in each of the two age groups. The lip sync is Saturday, July 22, at 5 p.m.
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