School board hires energy firm
During its special meeting on Thursday, Aug. 11, the board heard presentations from three energy companies (Tremco, Schneidere Electric and 360) then selected 360, the company it had selected months ago before the state said the board could not make that choice without taking bids from other companies.
The board set the student tuition rate at $9,341.50.
The board readopted the Code of Conduct.
It authorized early payment of a bond saving the district patrons $10,500 on bond interest.
Supt. Koca told the board that the cost per square foot to build will go to $230 in the next six months.
Brad Steward, Middle School principal, reported that Middle School numbers are up 26 temporarily putting the total expected enrollment at 303 or 304. He expects those numbers to change several times.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Teresa Christian said she wanted to brag on the students’ science scores but is embargoed from releasing that information at this point.
All board members were present except Chad Whitesell – Benny Brower, Scott Cluck, Allen Hoover, Josh Floyd, Greg Beydler and Darrell Eason – presiding.
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