The Missouri Conservation Commission met on Thursday, June 23, for its closed session at the MDC Central Regional Office, 3500 Gans Road in Columbia, and on Friday, June 24, for its regular open meeting at the MDC Runge Conservation Nature Center, 330 Commerce Drive in Jefferson City. Commissioners present were:
•Marilynn J. Bradford, Chair
•David W. Murphy, Vice Chair
•James T. Blair, IV, Secretary
•Don C. Bedell, Member
The Commission:
•Approved regulations related to feral hogs and regulation changes identified during the annual review of the Wildlife Code.
•Approved the sale of approximately 0.06 acre and grant of a temporary construction easement on approximately 0.2 acre of Sheridan Access in Worth County to the State of Missouri, acting by and through the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission, for a bridge-replacement project.
•Approved the purchase of approximately 92 acres and accepted the donation of an adjoining 48 acres in Dade County as a new conservation area and naming of the new area Corry Flatrocks Conservation Area.
•Approved the purchase of approximately 0.72 acre in Ripley County known as T.L. Wright Memorial Access from The T.L. Wright Lumber Company.
•Suspended or revoked one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of 25 individuals for cause:
•1. Rocky S. Adkins, Adrian, Hunting, 1 Year;
•2. Nathan M. Cole, Caruthersville, Hunting & Fishing, 1 Year;
•3. Luke A. Cotton, Winnsboro (Louisiana), All Sport, 1 Year;
•4. Tyler R. Cox, Bethany, Hunting, 1 Year;
•5. Dakota D. Davidson, Buffalo, Hunting, 5 Years;
•6. Terry J. Deeser, El Dorado Springs, All Sport, 2 Years;
•7. Michael P. Durham, Lesterville, Hunting, 3 Years;
•8. William C. Eastin, Centralia, All Sport, 1 Year;
•9. Michael Ellison, Pacific, All Sport, 1 Year;
•10. Austin M. Forister, Pacific, Hunting, 1 Year;
•11. Michael G. Frith, Strafford, Hunting, 1 Year;
•12. Jacob A. Gildehaus, New Haven, Hunting, 9 Years;
•13. Dakoda Hendricks, Carrollton, Hunting, 2 Years;
•14. Donald E. Hockman, II, Lebanon, Hunting, 2 Years;
•15. Douglas Howe, Wheeling, Hunting, 1 Year;
•16. Rodney Kuepker, Deer Grove (Illinois), Hunting, 1 Year;
•17. David P. Reichert, Bolivar, Hunting, 3 Years;
•18. Allen M. Richards, St. Clair, Hunting, 1 Year;
•19. Michael S. Robinson, Richards, Fishing, 1 Year;
•20. Aaron C. Sencibaugh, Lesterville, All Sport, 1 Year;
•21. Elton Spicer, Cameron, Hunting, 1 Year;
•22. Jeremey R. Tracy, Warsaw, Hunting, 1 Year;
•23. Duc Tran, Camdenton, Fishing, Add 1 Year;
•24. Lance J. Zahner, Perryville, Hunting & Trapping, 1 Year; and
•25. Anthony K. Stacy, Farmington, Hunting & Fishing, Revoked Until 5/18/18
•Reinstated all sport privileges for one individual.
•Suspended or revoked all hunting and fishing privileges of 362 individuals who are not in compliance with applicable child support laws.
•Suspended or revoked one or more hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges of 480 individuals in accordance with the terms of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
•Suspended or revoked hunting privileges of one individual who inflicted injury to another person while hunting.
•Announced the appointment of Deputy Director Tom Draper as interim director effective July 16.
•Elected the following Commission Officers:
•David W. Murphy, Chair
•James T. Blair, IV, Vice Chair
•Marilynn J. Bradford, Secretary
•Set the next regular meeting for Aug. 25-26 in Jefferson City.
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