Taberville Report

by Bobby Dains

Dains Fish Farm


There are a few people setting trotlines. They are catching flatheads on live bait, blue cats on cut bait. Fish run 20 and 30 lbs.

We will be closed on Sunday and Monday until next March.


Caplinger Woods

Danny Finch

We are currently in off season which means no more float trips for the season.

We closed for the season Sept. 22 until March, but the camp ground will remain open until November depending on weather. You can fish off the bridge 24/7.

Call us at 417/276-3838.

Orleans Trail Marina

Gator Shaw


The lake is 6-8 feet below normal pool.

My brother, Bryan Klnder, of Mexico, MO, passed away Wednesday, No services.

Bass, walleye and crappie are biting. Crappie are on the brushpiles. Walleye are on the flats. Bass are around structure.

Better get after them. A weather change is coming.