Adam Churchwell, Non-support, total arrears in excess of 12 monthly payments due under order of support. Bond: $1,000.
Terriana Copling, operate motor vehicle owned by another knowing owner of vehicle has not maintained financial responsibility – 1st offense, car/motorcycle/truck under 18,000 point followed another vehicle too closely. Bond: $300.
David Crites, pailure to appear – misdemeanor. Bond: $200.
Angela Fetty, shoplifting. Bond: $100.
Steven F. Judson, possession of controlled substance, deliver controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana or synthetic cannacinoid. Bond: $25,000.
Rocky Lee Pichering, domestic assault – 4th degree – 3rd or subsequent offense, peace disturbance – 1st offence.
Brandon Richardson, domestic assault 3rd degree – 3rd or subsequent offense.
Tammy Strangland, tampering with motor vehicle 2nd degree.
Virginia Goodman, domestic assault – 2nd degree.
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