The Cedar County Commission met October 24, 2022. Present were: Marlon Collins, Presiding Commissioner; Don Boultinghouse, Northern Commissioner; Ted Anderson, Southern Commissioner; Heather York, County Clerk.
Met with Assessor Staff
Requests to process court order #27989-27996 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.
Viewed a request from a resident to reconsider the closing of a portion of CR1000 that is currently under review for closure. The property owner is not landlocked. The commission went out to view the road. No determination was settled at this time.
Motion by Boultinghouse to apply for LATCF Funds available in amount of $107,434.10, second by Anderson. Anderson – Yes; Boultinghouse – Yes; Collins – Yes
Met with Dillon Harness, Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission – Hazzard Mitigation Plan
Collins signed the authorization to proceed with Kaysinger Basin to prepare the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the county. Final approval of the plan will not be granted until the state has authorized. Collins asked for clarification on part of the application process.
Discussed public hearing to be held tomorrow night for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. A vote is planned by the commission on 10/31/2022.
Met with Dennis Talley and Michelle Heitz, Mid MO Insurance to discuss building and auto insurance renewal for 2023.
Our current carrier, AmeriTrust, do not want to renew with counties due to loss ratio so we were informed we will need to seek another carrier for 2023. In the mean time Dennis has noted that our 2022 loss ratio is very low so AmeriTrust is reconsidering. Mid MO Insurance will go out for bid with 3 other carriers, as we might have a better option available, and AmeriTrust may decide firmly not to renew.
Met with DJ Ford, Road & Bridge Supervisor
Discussed road maintenance.
Met with Sheriff James McCrary
Inmate housing is around 35 at the moment. Staffing issues continue.
Viewed Office of Administration, Use of State Buildings and Spaces letter issued to MO Prosecuting Attorneys and Law Enforcement Offices.
Viewed weekly report from Cedar County Health Department and COVID count.
Viewed weekly MAC County Courier newsletter.
Approved accounts payable.
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