Met with Leah Morton, County Assessor
Requests to process court order #28957-28971 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.
Met with President Bob Foster and Treasurer Brenda Harris, Friendship Hills HOA for copies of approved ARPA agreements. Presented Notice of Decision and County Distribution Agreement for ARPA funds to Friendship Hills.
Burn ban was removed effective 8/14/23 and confirmed with Arlo Rupke, Emergency Manager.
Conference call with Victoria Barker, Cedar County Health Department Director and Chris Young, Environmental Specialist
Young reports concerns about a new resident wanting to build, and relocate the current sewer/septic, or combining multiple bordering properties he owns into one property. Young can only deal with the current situation as it is and combining properties would need to be addressed with the assessor and recorders offices in order create a single property among all of the parcels he has purchased. Young was contacted about whether the CAFO ordinance was still in place, it is not. Barker is working on concrete pad bids for the parking lot, the parking lot has a significant slope that has to be dealt with. Young has submitted a violation report to the prosecutor; if no action is done by the 18th, the prosecutor will begin proceedings. Barker reports that Nichols brought a contractor through the building last week to take pictures and get the layout of the building to do another remodel; she isn’t sure what this will mean for the side CCHD is on. Barker said the air conditioning unit in back of the CCHD side is hot and that Stutesman had submitted a quote to CCMH for the replacement of two old units that are not operating. Young is concerned with service dogs and Dollar General’s unwillingness to comply. A goat is not on the list of approved service animals, and proof of training has not yet been provided to Young for compliance from DG. Dogs in general are not allowed in stores of food sales, service dogs are permitted but not allowed on the scanning register or left uncontrolled. Store employees need to be trained in asking the required questions and how to handle these situations.
Met with DJ Ford, Road and Bridge Supervisor
Discussed report of complaint of erosion on CR300, and extremely rough roads after grading yesterday on CR900, CR1100, and CR1601. Ford said CR425 was bladed to clean up washboards, then it was rained on and has received no complaints since. Still hauling Montevallo rock, probably for the next month. Report of CR1200 sign in the ditch and post was missing; Ford says the sign was previously attached to the top of the stop sign and he will replace it. M Highway will be closed shortly so the crew will do maintenance on Owen Mill Road right before. Anderson went to look at CR300 with Ford, there is between 18” and 2’ before its eroded which will take several years. If possible, Ford will reroute the ditch closer to the drive road to avoid further erosion towards the fence.
Resident stopped in with concerns about CCMH for considerations for hospital appointments.
Received a call from Attorney Travis Elliott.
2:58 p.m. Motion by Boultinghouse to move to closed session to discuss legal concerns pursuant to RSMO 610.021(1), second by Anderson. Anderson – Yes; Boultinghouse – Yes; Thornton – Yes
No votes were taken during this session.
3:26 p.m. Motion by Anderson to return to open session, second by Boultinghouse. Anderson – Yes; Boultinghouse – Yes; Thornton – Yes
Reviewed CCMH Board minutes from 6/21/23.
Reviewed a letter received from Attorney Mark Watson regarding his concerns about CCMH.

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