Met with Leah Morton, County Assessor
Requests to process court order #29072-29116 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.
Resident met with Commission regarding 1825 RD in Bear Creek Special Rd. Requested brush trimming for overgrowth of weeds and low hanging limbs in the county road. The road also needs pothole grading, and requests wind rows not be pushed in the ditch. The Commission provided the contact for Bear Creek Special Road Commission for the resident to reach out to them. Question on camp site and home on same lot: What lot size is required to have a home and camper safely and hygienically on property; commission offered to refer this question to County Environmental Specialist.
Conference call with Chris Young, Environmental Specialist regarding lot size requirements for home and camper.
Met with Sheriff McCray
Inmate Housing = 24. Taking bids on duct cleaning and moving dispatch to the front; separating jail and dispatch. Grant budget sheet overview with commission. City Agreement; sending copy to commission.
Met with (Shane) RX Outreach Opioid Program via conference call. Provide outreach/treatment programs to the home of the addicted. Grant funded through existing grants that are used in a similar fashion. Operates as a block grant. The commission unanimously agreed not to pursue.
Kasinger Basin Regional Planning Commission is sending a survey out to constituents in county who are interested in transit services.
Met with Matt Yakel regarding Sherriff Office painting. He will be painting the exterior portion of the jail.
Met with Wayne Yakel regarding which window style to order for the ones needing replaced on 3rd floor of courthouse; two windows on east side, three windows on northwest side and repair work to the east side.
Discussed concrete repair on front courthouse stairs. Addressed areas around Courthouse that require caulking.
Commission approved a window style ($5,500 rough estimate for windows, repair, and concrete).
Met with Joe Phillips and Ellis Benham, Senior Tax Board to discuss possibility of getting individuals to provide in-home services such as cleaning to seniors. Suggested possibility of finding a replacement for CARE CONNECTION to manage funding for the Senior tax board.
Met with Treasurer Peggy Kenney for weekly report.
Met with Prosecuting Attorney Ty Gaither regarding statutes for what the Prosecuting Attorney can prosecute regarding the City of Stockton wanting the County P.A. to handle city ordinance violations outside of those that would pertain to the county.
Met with Road & Bridge Supervisor DJ Ford to discuss road maintenance.
Motion by Boultinghouse to approve maintaining the 4% County Contribution for retirement. Anderson – Yes; Boultinghouse – Yes; Thornton – Yes.
Conference call with Victoria Barker, Health Department Director. Discussed possibility of Health Department overseeing concerns presented by the Senior Tax Board. The Commission feels this is something that would be more beneficial if the hospital picked it up. Discussed bid on concrete pad, potentially including a wall/slope.
The commission reached out to DAPP regarding the Cedar County Health Department Concrete Pad. Anderson to meet with contractor on 10/31/2023 at Cedar County Health Department to discuss contractor’s plan.
The commission reached out to several roofing companies in the area to schedule appointments to a roofing estimate on the Courthouse. Dane Roofing, Springfield Roofing System, GM Systems, Roofing Force, Guaranteed Roofing, and Styles Roofing.
Approved accounts payable and payroll.
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