SALE DAY: Monday, August 24, 2020
LOCATION: East Door, Cedar County Courthouse
SALE STARTS 10:00 a.m.
Take notice that the City of El Dorado Springs, Missouri, will sell the following lands and lots or so much thereof as is necessary to discharge the taxes, interest, penalties and cost which are due thereon and same will be sold at public auction on the day and date above stated and continuing from day to day thereafter until all are offered:
KIMBERLY L BAKER: Lots 507 and 508, Block 64, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 222 W Hickory. 2018: $147.13 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $142.42 + publication charges of $40.56.
JOSEPH-CHRISTINE BARNES: Lots 3 and 4, Block 9, Thompsons 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 308 S Ohio. 2019: $81.89 + publication charges of $40.56.
JAMES BECKMAN: Lots 103-104 Blk 11 Johnsons, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 507 S Summer. 2019: $52.23 + publication charges of $40.56.
MICHELLE BECQUART: All Blk 19, Forest Grove, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 722 N Jackson. 2019: $77.99 + publication charges of $40.56.
KEITH A-SALLY BEISLEY: N Half Lots 427, 428, 429 and 430, Block 55, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 300 S Jackson. 2019: $13.48 + publication charges of $40.56.
KEITH A-SALLY BEISLEY: S Half Lots 427, 428, 429 and 430, Block 55, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 304 S Jackson. 2019: $88.79 + publication charges of $40.56.
GREGORY KENT BLAND: Lot 8 Block 3, Anthony & Creel, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 807 S First. 2019: $128.73 + publication charges of $40.56.
JOSHUA BYRAM: Lot 4 and N Half Lot 5, Block 15, Thompsons 3rd, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 105 S Forest. 2017: $108.81 + publication charges of $40.19, 2018: $93.09 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $80.21 + publication charges of $40.56.
CARYSPORT REEF LLC: Lot 7 Blk 4, Robisons 2nd, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 105 E Patricia. 2018: $22.95 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $20.73 + publication charges of $40.56.
MARGARET A DEGOLA: Lots 3 and 4 and N82.5’ Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Emerald Hill, S28 T36 R28. Situs address: 800 S Jackson. 2016: $84.43 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $77.57 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $69.02 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $60.53. In addition, One Special Tax Bill for Condemned Building Removal Dated April 14, 2018 in the amount of $9840.14 and Seven Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated June 16, 2017, in the Amount of $220.14, (2) Dated July 21, 2017 in the Amount of $218.88, (3) Dated October 5, 2017, in the Amount of $237.34, (4) Dated November 17, 2017 in the Amount of $214.11 and (5) Dated July 6, 2018 in the Amount of $205.71, (6) Dated August 10, 2018 in the Amount of $205.57, (7) Dated October 8, 2018 in the Amount of $203.32+ publication charges of $40.56.
DSV SPV3 LLC: Lts 9-10 Blk 6, Sparks 1st South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 115 W Fields. 2019: $129.06 + publication charges of $40.56.
BILLIE RAY-VERNONA DURHAM: Lts 187-188 Blk 9, Cruces 3rd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 314 W Lafayette. 2019: $62.21 + publication charges of $40.56.
ELANA DYAS: Lt 4 Blk 6, Jacksons 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 606 S Grand. 2019: $43.47 + publication charges of $40.56.
EL DORADO PLUMBING: Lots 262, 263, 264 and 265 and W Half Lot 266, Block 35, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 330 W Broadway. 2018: $24.86 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $22.35 + publication charges of $40.56.
CORALYN FORLING: Lot 7, Block 2, Thompsons 1st, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 105 N Grand. 2017: $72.76 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $64.75 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $56.85. In addition, Two Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated July 6, 2018 in the Amount of $205.71 (2) Dated September 26, 2018 in the Amount of $189.46 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: Lot 339 and E2 Lot 338, Cruces West, S21 R36 T28. Situs address: 310 W Spring. 2018: $152.90 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $133.05 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: Lots 1, 2 and 3 except S69’ of E37’, Block 7, Jackson 2nd, S21 R36 T28. Situs address: 109 E Marshall. 2018: $26.58 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $30.63 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: S69’ of E37’ Block 7, Jackson 2nd, S21 R36 T28. Situs address: 412 S Kirkpatrick. 2018: $22.46 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $27.07 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: E60’ Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Emerald Hill, S28 R36 T28. Situs address: 110 E Poplar. 2018: $47.49 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $48.72 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: N Half Lot 16 and W Half of N Half Lot 17, Block 7, Emerald Hill, S28 T36 R28. Situs address: 901 S Jackson. 2017: $73.24 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $64.54 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $63.46 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 17, Emerald Hill, S28 T36 R28. Situs address: 1106 S Main. 2018: $251.55 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $194.50 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRELL W GANT: S84’ Lots 279, 280 and 281, Block 37, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 107 N High. 2018: $43.36 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $45.16 + publication charges of $40.56.
JANET GREEN: Lot 1, Van Witt, S27 T36 R28. Situs: 1601 S Hwy 32. 2019: $159.59 + publication charges of $40.56.
DONALD-CARMA HAMILTON: Lts 3-6 Blk 11, Thompsons 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 304 S Vernon. 2019: $88.11+ publication charges of $40.56.
DARRIN K JACKSON-RICHARD K JACKSON: Lots 99 and 100, Block 15, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 203 W Walnut. 2015: $6.06 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $5.33 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $4.64 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $3.93 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $11.06. In Addition, Three Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated July 28, 2016, in the Amount of $231.02 and (2) Dated July 7, 2017, in the Amount of $219.30, (3) Dated October 8, 2018, in the amount of $203.32 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRIN K JACKSON-RICHARD K JACKSON: Lot 61, Block 12, Cruces 2nd North, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 115 W Martin. 2015: $42.16 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $38.06 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $33.95 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $29.83 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $33.47. In Addition, Five Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated December 8, 2015 in the Amount of $184.60, (2) Dated May 20, 2016 in the Amount of $233.67, (3) Dated July 22, 2016 in the Amount of $231.30, (4) Dated September 30, 2016 in the Amount of $229.21 and (5) Dated October 8, 2018 in the Amount of $202.06 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRIN K JACKSON-RICHARD K JACKSON: Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Jackson 2nd, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 404 S Park. 2015: $87.08 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $78.78 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $78.59 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $62.05 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $61.28. In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Weed Removal (1) Dated August 10, 2018 in the Amount of $204.44 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRIN K-ALBERTA l JACKSON: Lot 6 and S14’ Lot 5, Block 22, Jackson 1st, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 404 S Kirkpatrick. 2015: $53.64 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $48.47 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $41.94 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $44.74 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $39.58. In Addition, Three Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated December 8, 2015, in the Amount of $177.71, (2) Dated June 10, 2016, in the Amount of $229.90 and (3) Dated August 26, 2016, in the Amount of $207.37 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARRIN K-ALBERTA L JACKSON: S94’ Lots 34 and 35, Block 6, Cruces 2ND North, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 121 W Walnut. 2015: $ 25.34 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $22.80 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $20.89+ publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $17.75 + publication charges of $. 2019: $22.97.$. In Addition, Four Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated December 8, 2015 in the Amount of $254.23, (2) Dated July 28, 2016 in the Amount of $223.64, (3) Dated July 7, 2018 in the amount of $219.30 and (4) Dated October 19, 2018 in the amount of $202.68 + publication charges of $40.56.
JUAN-CARMEN JONES: E46’ Lts 9-10 Blk 2, Thompsons 1st, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 405 E Spring. 2019: $117.78 + publication charges of $40.56.
ROY LEE KEITH: Lot 31 & E2 Lt 32 Blk 6, Cruces 2nd North, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 115 W Walnut. 2019: $48.44 + publication charges of $40.56.
PAUL KNAPP: Lot 2, Block 3, Cruces 4th North, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 115 W Cruce. 2017: $87.91 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $77.11 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $67.50. In addition, Three Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal Dated (1) July 6, 2018 in the Amount of $205.71, (2) August 10, 2018 in the amount of $214.47, (3) November 30, 2018 in the amount of $180.77 + publication charges of $40.56.
OWEN-HAZEL KNIGHT: Lot 257 and E Half Lot 258, Block 34, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 329 W Broadway. 2015: $29.45 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $27.80 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $17.64 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $25.81 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $2.47. In Addition, Four Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated October 14, 2016 in the Amount of $228.66, (2) Dated June 9, 2017 in the Amount of $218.18, (3) Dated July 14, 2017 in the Amount of $196.90 and (4) Dated September 21, 2017 in the Amount of $175.13 + publication charges of $40.56.
THELMA KNUTTER TRUST: Lot 66, Block 8, Johnsons, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 410 S Ohio. 2019: $77.28 + publication charges of $40.56.
RHONDA LACKEY: Lt 62 Blk 12, Cruces 2nd North, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 117 W Martin. 2019: $29.70 + publication charges of $40.56
GEORGE-VALORIE LEMLEY: Lts 13-15 Blk 3, Cruces 2nd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 119 & 121 W Joe Davis. 2019: $96.01 + publication charges of $40.56.
VALORIE LEMLEY: Lt 80 Blk 11, Cruces 1st South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 118 W Hickory. 2019: $105.27 + publication charges of $40.56.
MICHAEL JAMES-JOAN LUGERT: Blk 4 & Blk 3 EX S25’xW119’ x E6’ Blk 2 & Vac Alley, Harmons, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 605 E Fields. 2019: $230.95 + publication charges of $40.56.
RUSSELL-THERESA LURTEN: Lts 431-434 Blk 55, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 118 W Hickory. 2019: $85.36 + publication charges of $40.56.
KATHRYN MCFARLAND: E35’ Lot 62 and W10’ Lot 63, Block 4, Cruces 3rd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 206 W Joe Davis. 2019: $71.80 + publication charges of $40.56.
JACKIE MCMAIN: Lts 94-95 Blk 10, Johnsons, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 512 S Summer. 2018: $52.82 +publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $52.86 + publication charges of $40.56.
GAGE MILLER: Lt 411 Blk 53, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 226 W Gay. 2018: $20.09 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $20.10 + publication charges of $.
MICHAEL-VICKI MOGAN: N63.5’ Lts 14-15 W100’ Lt 26 Blk 4, Emerald Hills, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 807 S Jackson. 2019: $69.05 + publication charges of $40.56.
WESLEY MOORE: Lt 35 Blk 6 Original El Dorado Springs, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 117 W Broadway. 2000: $46.72 + publication charges of $15.72. 2001: $44.89 + publication charges of $17.20. 2002: $4.82+ publication charges of $14.39. 2003: $16.88 + publication charges of $16.51. 2004: $16.24. 2005: $20.48. 2006: $14.92. 2007: $13.74. 2008: $21.36. 2009: $11.75 + publication charges of $26.92. 2010: $11.21. 2011: $10.45. 2012: $9.66. 2013: $8.87. 2014: $8.16. 2015: $6.89. 2016: $6.96. 2017: $12.35. 2018: $3.72 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $3.72. In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Clean Up and Removal of Condemned Building Removal Dated July 16, 1999 of $11,216.01. In addition, Seventeen (17) Special Tax Bills for Clean Up (1) Dated July 23, 2001 in the Amount of $171.96, (2) Dated August 13, 2001 in the Amount of $171.63, (3) Dated June 28, 2002 in the amount of $166.84, (4) Dated September 20, 2002 in the Amount of $165.59, (5) Dated July 18, 2003 in the Amount of $149.28, (6) Dated November 12, 2003 in the amount of $150.02, (7) Dated June 25, 2004 in the Amount of $169.79, (8) Dated October 18, 2004 in the Amount of $168.07, (9) Dated October 7, 2005 in the Amount of $118.32, (10) Dated June 12, 2006 in the Amount of $158.12, (11) Dated August 21, 2006 in the Amount of $157.00, (12) Dated July 13, 2007 in the Amount of $172.23, (13) Dated August 20, 2007 in the Amount of $130.71, (14) Dated July 21, 2008 in the Amount of $165.38, (15) Dated August 15, 2008 in the Amount of $ 164.91, (16) Dated December 5, 2008 in the Amount of $162.83 and (17) Dated May 16, 2009 in the amount of $140.84 + publication charges of $40.56.
DANIEL NALL: Lts 3-5 Blk, Thompsons 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 607 E Thompson. 2019: $86.43 + publication charges of $.
NADA PANKEY: Lts 238-239 & E2 Lt 240 Blk 9, Cruces 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 307 W Fields. 2019: $62.55 + publication charges of $.
LAWRENCE PARKS: L473 Blk 60, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 307 W Hickory. 2019: $63.18 + publication charges of $40.56.
JUDY PARRISH: POB 400’W &260’N SE Cor NW4 NW4; N125’ E100’ S125’ W100’ To POB, Acreage El Dorado Springs, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 1003 S High. 2019: $95.68 + publication charges of $40.56.
ROGER PARTRIDGE: Lts 3-4 Blk 7, Cruces 4th North, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 307 W Fields. 2019: $10.76 + publication charges of $40.56.
DONALD PETERS: Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Forest Grove, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 107 McCrary. 2017: $55.44 + publication charges of $40.19 2018: $28.54 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $25.58. In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Weed Removal Dated July 14, 2017 in the Amount of $218.88. In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Clean Up and Removal of Condemned Building Removal Dated November 17, 2018 in the Amount of $3915.23 + publication charges of $40.56.
CAROLYN L RASH: Lots 425 and 426, Block 54, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 200 S Jackson. 2016: $89.92+ publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $88.58 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $77.55 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $67.90 In Addition, One Special Tax Bill Dated April 28, 2016, for Condemned Building Removal in the Amount of $5223.17 In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Weed Removal Dated November 2, 2018 in the Amount of $151.91 + publication charges of $.
RAYMOND R SR-CAROLYN L RASH: Lt 37 Blk 7, Cruces 2ND North, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 226 W Gay. 2018: $18.20. 2019: $23.38 + publication charges of $40.56.
ROBERT V-DENISE C ROCK: Lot 334, Block 43, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs address 318 W Spring. 2018: $33.73 + publication charges of $. 2019: $23.38 + publication charges of $40.56.
ROBERT V-DENISE C ROCK: Lots 271 and 272, Block 36, Cruces West, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 109 N Cedar. 2018: $83.52 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $79.89 + publication charges of $40.56.
SAI OHM LLC: POB 430’W & 50’S SE Cor SW4 NE4; W178’ N236’ E178’ S236’ to POB, Acreage El Dorado Springs, S28 T36 R28. Situs Address: 311 E Hwy 54. 2019: $906.84 + publication charges of $40.56.
COURTNEY SCHECKEL: Lot 10, Block 2, Halls 1st East, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 303 N Grand. 2017: $4.46. 2018: $9.97 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $9.49. In Addition, Six Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated June 23, 2017 in the Amount $204.86, (2) Dated July 28, 2017 in the Amount of $206.26, (3) Dated September 1, 2017 in the Amount of $195.38, (4) Dated October 27, 2017 in the Amount of $193.49, (5) Dated July 20, 2018 in the Amount of $205.43 and (6) Dated September 26, 2018 in the Amount of $169.27 + publication charges of $40.56.
JOHNATHON SCHEID & KAYLA MOORE: Lts 213-214 Blk 11, Cruces 3rd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 118 W Lafayette. 2018: $42.09 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $37.26 + publication charges of $40.56.
CHAD-EMILY SHINN: Lt 19 $ E10’ Lt 20 Blk 2, Cruces 3rd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 303 W Joe Davis. 2019: $49.69 + publication charges of $40.56.
ANGELA SIELEMAN: Lt 4 & S2 lt 5 Blk 7, Halls 1st East, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 206 N Park. 2018: $73.13 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $56.26 + publication charges of $40.56.
ANGELA SIELEMAN: E50’ Lt 3 Blk 7, Halls 1st, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 2018: $11.30. 2019: $10.54 + publication charges of $40.56.
ANGELA SIELEMAN: Lt 6 & N2 Lt 5 Blk 7, Halls 1st East, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 408 E Martin. 2018: $7.61. 2019: $14.23 + publication charges of $40.56.
JAMES R SMITH: Acreage El Dorado Springs Beginning 75’ S Corner of East Line Forest and S Line Lafayette, E145’, S75’, W145’, N75’ to Point of Beginning. S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 605 S Forrest. 2016: $12.28 + publication charges of $34.89. 2017: $10.95 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $17.37 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $8.05. In Addition, Three Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated July 1, 2016 in the Amount of $231.99, (2) Dated August 26, 2016 in the Amount of $230.47 and (3) Dated October 7, 2016 in the Amount of $228.94. In Addition, One Special Tax Bill for Condemned Building Removal Dated April 28, 2016 in the Amount of $6463.47 + publication charges of $40.56.
LOIS PAULINE SPANGLER: Lots 203 and 204, Block 10, Cruces 3rd South Addition, S21 T36 R28. Situs address: 212 W Lafayette. 2015: $92.41 + publication charges of $41.81. 2016: $77.03 + publication charges of $ 34.89. 2017: $62.56 + publication charges of $40.19. 2018: $64.65 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $54.20. In Addition Six Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated December 8, 2015 in the Amount $384.35, (2) Dated May 20, 2016, in the Amount $233.67, (3) Dated July 1, 2016 in the Amount of $255.30, (4) Dated August 26, 2016 in the Amount of $230.47, (5) Dated October 7, 2016 in the Amount of $228.94 and (6) Dated May 5, 2017 in the Amount of $221.49 + publication charges of $40.56.
ERNEST-LIZA THOMPKINS: Lots 1-3, Block 5, Halls 2nd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 204 E Olive. 2019: $139.15 + publication charges of $40.56.
JASON L-JACQUELINE K TRAMMEL: Lot 6 and S Half Lot 5, Block 15, Thompsons 3rd, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 601 E Gentry. 2018: $20.44 + publication charges of $35.44. 2019: $18.54 + publication charges of $40.56.
DAVID W UTTER: Lt 3 & S 35’ Lt 4 Block 3, Halls 1st East, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 302 N Grand. 2018: $126.94. 2019: $53.15. + publication charges of $40.56.
VIVACITY NATIONAL HOLDING LLC: Lots 101-103 Block 3, Cruces 3rd South, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 329 W Marshall. 2018: $126.94. 2019: $117.38. In Addition Three Special Tax Bills for Weed Removal (1) Dated July 6, 2018 in the Amount $205.71, (2) Dated August 10, 2018, in the Amount $204.44 and (3) Dated October 8, 2018 in the Amount of $202.06 + publication charges of $40.56.
DARREN-BRITTANY WILLIAMS: Beg 15’ E SE Cor Lt 6 Block 15 Thompsons 3rd N150’ E135’ S150’ W135’, Acreage El Dorado Springs, S21 T36 R28. Situs Address: 603 E Gentry. 2019: $42.41 + publication charges of $40.56.
All payments must be made with cash, money order or cashier’s check.
Bidder is responsible to check all liens and new case laws prior to sale date. Bidder is also responsible for all release/recording fees on any special tax bills.
I, Kandi Baldwin, City Clerk/Assessor for the City of El Dorado Springs, Missouri, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of the lands or lots that will be offered for sale as above set forth, Dated this 24th day of July, 2020.

Kandi Baldwin, City Clerk/Assessor
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