WHEREAS, 192.300, RSMo., provides that the County Commission may make and promulgate Ordinances as will tend to enhance the public health and prevent the entrance of infectious, contagious, communicable or dangerous diseases into such county; and
WHEREAS, on March 1 1,2020, the World Health Organization Director General characterized COVID- 19 as a pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13,2020, the President of the United States declared the COVID-19 outbreak a national emergency; and
WHEREAS, on March 13,2020, the Governor of the State of Missouri declared the COVID-19 outbreak a state emergency; and
WHEREAS, on March 20,2020, the Cedar County Emergency Management Director and the Cedar County Commission declared Cedar County in a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak; and
WHEREAS, on March 28,2020, there were three (3) positive cases of COVID-19 in Stockton, Cedar County, M0; and
WHEREAS, for purposes of this Order, “social gatherings” shall mean any planned or spontaneous event or convening that would bring together more than ten (1 0) people in a single space at the same time. In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, every person in Cedar County Missouri shall avoid eating or drinking at restaurants, bars, or food courts; provided, however, that the use of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options is allowed throughout the duration of this Order. In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, people shall not visit nursing homes, long-term care facilities, retirement homes, or assisted living homes unless to provide critical assistance. In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, schools shall remain closed. This Order does not prohibit schools from providing childcare and Food and Nutritional Services for those children that qualify. Teachers and staff may enter the building as long as they follow the directives set forth in this Order. This Order does not prohibit people from visiting a variety of places, including grocery stores, gas stations, parks, and banks, so long as necessary precautions are taken and maintained to reduce the transmission of COVID- 19, including maintaining at least six feet (6’) of distance between all individuals that are not family members. For offices and workplaces that remain open, individuals shall practice good hygiene and, where feasible, work from home in order to achieve optimum isolation from COVID- 19. The more that people reduce their public contact, the sooner COVID- 19 will be contained and the sooner this Order will expire. The order will take effect beginning 12:Ol A.M. Tuesday, March 3 1,2020 and remain in effect until 12:Ol A.M. Monday, April 20,2020 unless extended by
further order.
WHEREAS, violating a public health order designed to “prevent the entrance of infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous disease” into Cedar County is punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to 192.300, RSMo. Further, “(a)ny person.. . who shall leave any.. . quarantined house or place without the consent of the health officer having jurisdiction, or who evades or breaks quarantine or knowingly conceals a case of contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, or who removes, destroys, obstructs from view, or tears down any quarantine card, cloth, or notice by the attending physician or by the health officer, or by direction of the property health officer, shall be deemed guilty of a class A misdemeanor” pursuant to 192.320, RSMo.
The precautions ordered below are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Cedar County, Missouri, and are consistent with the authority granted the County Commissioners in Chapter 192, RSMo. This order enhances the public health and is aimed to prevent the entrance and contain the spread of COVID-19, an infectious, contagious, communicable and dangerous disease into the county. Therefore, the citizens of Cedar County, Missouri shall abide by the following orders:
Section I– In accordance with the guidelines from the Governor of Missouri, the President of the United States and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, every person in the County of Cedar shall avoid social gatherings of more than ten (10) people. For purposes of this order, “social gatherings” shall mean any planned or spontaneous event or convening that would bring together more than ten (1 0) people in a single space at the same time.
Section 2- In accordance with the guidelines from the Governor of Missouri, the President of the United States and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, every person in the County of Cedar shall avoid eating or drinking at restaurants, or bars; provided, however that the use of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options is allowed throughout the order.
Section 3- In accordance with the guidelines from the Governor of Missouri, the President of the United States and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, people shall not visit nursing homes, long-term care facilities, retirement homes or assisted living homes unless to provide critical assistance.
Section 4– In accordance with the guidelines from the Governor of Missouri, the President of the United States and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, schools shall remain closed. This Order does not prohibit schools from providing childcare and food and nutrition services for those children that qualify. Teachers and staff may enter the building as long as they follow the directives set forth in this order.
This order DOES NOT prohibit people from visiting a variety of places, including grocery stores, gas stations, parks and banks, so long as necessary precautions are taken and maintained to reduce the transmission of COVID- 19, including maintaining a minimum distance of six (6) feet between all individuals that are not an immediate family member.
For offices and workplaces that remain open individuals shall practice good hygiene and, where feasible, work from home in order to achieve optimum isolation from COVID-19. The more that people reduce public contact, the sooner COVID-19 will be contained and the sooner this order will expire.
Local health authorities are authorized by not only the state government but also the county government to enforce this ORDER by means of civil proceedings.
This ORDER is to take effect upon approval and signature this day March 30,2020 and will remain in effect until 12:Ol a.m. Monday April 20,2020, unless extended by further orders of the local health authority and county commission.
Attest: Heather D. York, County Clerk
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