The St. Clair County Commission met Monday, April 3, with Robert Salmon presiding commissioner, Leroy Strope north commissioner, Gerald Williams south commissioner, Debbie Peden county clerk, Marian McCaslin administrative assistant.
The Commission received a confirmation from Darin Hamelin, MoDot, on Soft Match Credits transfer with Scotland County.
As of this date, it was reported that the roof over the Law Library appears to have been repaired.
Board Members of the Chloe Special Road District were in inquiring about a bridge project in their district. The bridge on NE 1270, located in Chloe Special road District, is eligible for replacement using funding through the Federal B.R.O program (Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Off System Bridge (State). The local match funding is 20% of the total project cost.
Commission met Wednesday, April 5, with all present.
The Commissioners discussed with Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran chain saw purchase, tree and brush cutting, roads, ditches, gravel and scrap tire disposal.
Sheridan Garman-Neeman, St. Clair County Economic Developer, was in with updates on projects for St. Clair County Economic Development.
Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve Land Commissioner’s Sale to Lorie Metcalf All of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 11, Plat 3 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $448.28. Motion carried.
Chief Deputy Mike Crocker, St. Clair County Sheriff’s office, was in inquiring about Sheriff’s office expansion.
The Commission spoke with Larry Dade regarding a non-maintained county easement in the Taberville area.
At 12:51 p.m. Commissioner Strope made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commission met Monday, April 10, with all present.
Commissioner Strope made a motion to approve Tax Additions and Abatements #62 through #70. Motion carried.
Board Members of the Chloe Special Road District met with the Commissioner to discuss bridge replacement. Chloe Special Road District Board Members signed a letter this date which agrees to provide local match on B.R.O bridge replacement #0960008 on NE 1270 Rd., Deepwater.
A local resident was in regarding the bridge railing at Pape Bridge. The Commissioners stated this should have already been worked on.
Commissioner Strope made a motion to program a replacement of Bridge #0960008 on NE 1270 Rd. utilizing B.R.O. funding. Chloe Special Road District will furnish the local matching funds. Motion carried.
Note: B.R.O is Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Off System Bridge (State).
Local citizens were in reporting a damaged gate on property located near the intersection of NE 726 and NE 501 Rds. They questioned if perhaps the damage was done by the County as road work had been done in that area recently.
Commission met Wednesday, April 12, with all present.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed with the Commissioners tiers for equipment, equipment maintenance and chain saws from the department.
Frank Blakemore, Garver Engineering, telephoned and discussed B.R.O. bridge projects with the Commissioner.
Presiding Commissioner Salmon was excused at 9:50 a.m. until 10:10 to attend the Corps of Engineers inspection of the Sac Osage Youth Fair Grounds.
Sheriff Scott Keeler and Chief Deputy Mike Crocker were in to further discuss the need for more space for the Sheriff’s office. An agreement was reached between the Commissioners and the Sheriff to come up with a dollar amount before project is started.
The Commissioners left a message for Darin Hamelink at MoDot to discuss the Chloe Special Road District B.R.O. bridge project.
The St. Clair County Commission met Monday, April 17, with Robert Salmon presiding commissioner, Leroy Strope north commissioner, Debbie Peden county clerk and Marian McCaslin administrative assistant present.
Local citizens were in and spoke with Presiding Commissioner Salmon and Commissioner Strope regarding a damaged gate. The Commissioners reported they had both checked the location; also, Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran had spoken with Road and Bridge employees, and they determined the County had not caused the damage to the gate.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed with the Commissioners road conditions, grading roads, chain saws and used tire disposal. The Commissioners and Road and Bridge Supervisor made a decision to cosign to Wade Auction (2) pickups and other items from Road and Bridge that are no longer in use. Auction is to be held April 22, 2017.
Treasurer Rhonda Shelby and County Clerk Debbie Peden spoke with the Commissioners regarding landscaping for the Courthouse yard. Decorative cement was discussed along with other options.
The Commissioner discussed a non-maintained county easement in the Taberville area.
The Commissioner are awaiting paper work from MoDot, utilizing B.R.O funding, for Bridge #0960008 replacement on NE 1270 Rd.
Pam Guffey, St. Clair County Collector, presented a generic city tax collection contract that she is considering presenting to each city that currently has a levy. New software, that will be installed this week, will allow her to bill and collect city taxes, if all cities agree. Guffey is to reword the contract and present it to the prosecuting attorney prior to discussing with the cities.
The St. Clair County Commission met Wednesday, April 19, with Robert Salmon presiding commissioner, Leroy Strope north commissioner, Gerald Williams couth commissioner, Debbie Peden county clerk, and Marian McCaslin, administrative assistant present.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed with the Commissioners dump truck maintenance, transporting equipment for auction to the auction site and motor grader locations.
Presiding Commissioner Salmon signed insurance paper work for the St. Clair County jail authority.
The Commissioner signed paper work for MoDot, utilizing B.R.O. funding, for Bridge #0960008 replacement on NE 1270 Rd.
The Commissioner spoke with different engineering companies regarding consultant work on prospective bridge projects.
Treasurer Rhonda Shelby reported to the Commissioners that she had been in contact with individuals regarding decorative cement for the Courthouse yard.
At 12 noon Commissioner Strope made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commission met Monday, April 24, with all present.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed with the Commissioners roads, tire recycling, equipment repairs, gravel and motor grader locations.
CART Revenues received were $52,960.82. $38,034.65 was the portion going to Common Road District. Out of these revenues, funds are allocated to the following Special Road Districts: Appleton City Special $2,638.46; Chloe Special $1,733.85; Collins Special $3,392.31; Hillsdale Special $1,733.85; Osceola Special $2,789.24; Vista Special $2,638.46.
Note: CART is County Aid Road Trust. This is the County’s portion of Missouri motor fuel tax, motor vehicle sales tax and motor vehicle license fee increases.
A telephone call was received from a citizen regarding road grading and ‘mud puddles’ at the intersection of SW 831 and SW 600 Rds.
A local contractor was in to discuss decorative cement for the Courthouse yard and a bid is to be submitted in the near future.
Commissioner Strope made a motion to approve Land Commissioner’s Sale to Joseph Salas All of Lots 31 and 32, Block 26, Plat 6 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $379.18; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Chris Halderman All of Lot 5, Block 78 Plat 20 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $339.18; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Chris Halderman All of Lot 6, Block 78, Plat 20 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $604.94; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Chris Halderman All of Lot 7, Block 78, Plat 20 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $339.18; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Michael R. Wise All of Lot 15, Block 6, South Side Addition to LaDue’s Addition to Appleton City, Missouri for a selling price of $400. Motion carried.
Depositary Bids were opened at 12 noon. One bid was received from St. Clair State Bank. Commissioner Williams made a motion to accept the bid from St. Clair County State Bank as depositary of funds. Motion carried.
Commisison met Friday, April 28, with all present.
Presiding Commissioner Salmon reported on a telephone call he received from Wayne Pruitt, Regional Director University Extension, that St. Clair County would have a part of a pilot project concerning the program director.
Jim Noakes, Courthouse Custodian, reported that Otis Elevator had inspected the elevator in the Courthouse and stated it was in good shape.
Presiding Commissioner Salmon reported on a telephone conversation he had with Darrell Decker regarding counties joining a consortium for health insurance. Consensus was not to join the consortium.
The Commissioner discussed a situation on SE 50 Rd. and will have an on-site visit in the near future.
An interested citizen was in regarding an appointment for St. Clair County Health Center Board due to a vacancy.
The Commissioners spoke with a local contractor regarding decorative cement at the Courthouse. The Commissioner stated they would take bids soon.
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