The St. Clair County Commission met Monday, June 19, with Robert Salmon, presiding commissioner; Leroy Strope, north commissioner; Gerald Williams, south commissioner; Debbie Peden, county clerk and Marin McCaslin, administrative assistant present.
The Commissioner and Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed motor grader locations, brush cutter locations and mowing, road east of Hogles Creek Bridge and week spraying.
The Commissioner telephoned Frank Blakemore, Garver Engineering, concerning the contract for the bridge replacement on NE 1270 Rd.
Commissioner Strope made a motion for St. Clair County to adopt an Investment Policy in compliance with Missouri State Statutes, Section 950.1 Motion carried.
The Commissioner received two Letters of Interest regarding the vacancy on the St. Clair County Health Center Board. As there is one vacancy, the Letters will be reviewed and a decision made on Wednesday, June 21.
Commissioner Williams made a motion to appoint Leroy Strope to the West Central Missouri Community Action Agency Board of Directors with the term of 2017 to 2019. Motion carried.
Commission met Wednesday, June 21, with all present.
The Commissioners and Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed motor grader locations, brush cutter repair and dump truck repair.
Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve Land Commissioner’s Sale to Donald E. Crosley, II All of Lot 1, Block 27, Plat 6 of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $359.; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Carryne Earnest All of Lot 3, Block 1, Plat 1, of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $350; Land Commissioner’s Sale to Craig Coratti and Katie Coratti All of Lot 15, Block 63, Plat 16, of Twin Oaks Harbor for a selling price of $340.63. Motion carried.
Mike Crocker, Chief Deputy, was in to check with the Commissioner’s on viewing Sheriff Offices and Jail Facilities in the Counties of Henry, Bates and Vernon. A date of July 6, 2017, was scheduled for this viewing.
The Commissioner’s discussed with Frank Blakemore, Garver Engineering, the engineering cost on bridge replacement project on NE 1270 Rd.
After discussion on each person that presented a Letter of Interest for the St. Clair County Health Center Board, Commissioner Williams made a motion a appoint Roger Motley to the St. Clair County Health Board, due to the vacancy of Dr. Thies, until the April 2018, Municipal Election as pursuant to Missouri State Statutes. Motion Carried.
Presiding Commissioner Salmon made a motion to accept the proposal of Williams Concrete Construction for decorative concrete between the sidewalk and the Courthouse. Motion carried.
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