Brad and Mary have finished their move, if not their unpacking.

For the last few weeks they have been downsizing.

They got an offer they couldn’t refuse so that a daughter and her family could live just down the street from Grandma and Grandpa.

I don’t know what it is about moving that brings out all the sore muscles.

I don’t remember having such an intense hatred of moving when I switched apartments in Birmingham or went to Shreveport. Maybe because my employer paid a mover. The move up here to buy the newspaper almost killed me.

Some days during their move, Mary came to the office so sore she could barely move.

Fortunately, Kat has taken the move well. She now knows where everything is located in the new house. That’s quite a bit ahead of Brad and Mary.

Just for shock value, Mary showed the movers their basement, then, as they caught their breath, told them, “We don’t have to move any of that.”

– I finally got 75% of our yard mowed. I got a late start because of the rain. Saturday evening, as I mowed, I called Kimball to tell her I thought it was OK to light the burn piled because of the damp conditions and no wind. With one match she lit a roaring inferno. I was correct – the way I had blown the leaves kept it from spreading, but it still burned most of the night which kept me awake when thunder boomers approached from the SW. What if the 70 mph wind arrived before the rain? It didn’t. I guess I should have hosed I down. You remember Eva Coleman, vp at First Savings? She said that she and I are professional worriers.

-J. D. Stephens found out about otters the hard way. He and Sherry had a pond full of big channel cats they had fed for years. An otter moved in and now they have a big stack of fish bones on the shore. Don’t know how an oversized rat can do it, but one can catch every fish in a pond. Further south, I don’t think they have trouble with otters. Gators find them so tasty. Plenty of cottonmouths escape their attention, though.

– It struck me as ill-advised that the legislature and the governor chose to ignore a Cedar County law that was working at controlling the placement of Confined Animal Feeding Operations. No one has told me how it is a good deal for rural homeowners. Story on Page 1.

On this topic, Kimball plans to interview Cedar County Northern Commissioner Don Boultinghouse and Representative Warren Love on our TV station. She plans to air the interview with Don this Thursday about noon. She plans to air her interview with Rep. Love on Friday. KL