Van had his second birthday on Monday, Oct. 28. He was too busy watching his baby brother to talk to Popee. Van can’t understand why Snider, a nearly two month old, won’t give him a high five.

-Davis videoed Senior Night and posted it that night on Spring City TV.  Go to our web page,, scroll down and find the logo for Spring City TV.

On Halloween, Kimball and I will celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary. Don’t know how much celebrating we’ll do. It’s getting to be more of a challenge to keep the forked end down.

I was talking to Jerry Chambers Monday and told him that I don’t get out to do what was formerly my passion, turkey hunting, because I have trouble walking. Jerry said it is getting harder for him.

I had called to make sure his wife, Rosalyn, knew about what happened Saturday night at Concord. She did. I called Kenny Smith and he got a call in Idaho from Gayle Bell about midnight their time that night.

The big event wasn’t just that Everett Smith who is ill ordered all his kids who were visiting to leave him and go to Concord to church Saturday night. All 17 of them walked in and filled a bunch of seats. After church was over and Brother Sam was turning out some of the lights, one of Brother Everett’s granddaughters, approached our pastor, Bro. Bobby Budd, and told him, “I’m lost.” Soon she and he were bowed at the altar. Sam came outside and told us what was happening so we went back in to pray for her. Both her parents were bowed there and several others.

After maybe 10 or 15 minutes, the 27-year-old granddaughter started laughing, crying and rejoicing at the same time. She said, “Now, I’m got my spot.” She had probably heard her grandpa talk about the spot on the altar where he was saved. I didn’t catch her name.

She couldn’t wait to go tell her grandpa.

Sunday, she had to go back to Kansas either to work or to college.

I just felt privileged to have been there. While preaching that night, Brother Bobby had just mentioned, “My cup runneth over.” Hers did.

There’s a revival in progress at Blue Mound, north of Fair Haven on Hwy. C if anyone is interested. 7 p.m.

Well, that’s the big news from my weekend. KL

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