I went to what I thought was going to be the final meeting of the local American Legion. I thought they were going turn in their keys, lock the door and put a “for Sale “ sign out front.

Wrong. There were four out of approximately 30 members there to conduct business. They discussed several possibilities including the fact they can still meet as the American Legion without a building. But nothing has been finalized except that they want to sell their Bingo equipment by the end of the year and that the Post will have a breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 11.

I was so sorry to learn of the passing of Bo Simmons. I served on the board at the Senior Center with him and Shirley for several years. At one time I told him that we had a stray cat stalking around our house and I figured there was no way to pick him up and stuff him in a carrying cage. Bo gave me a pair of welding gloves so it would be easier to pick up the “bad kitty.”

There are several events in October. And probably more than are listed here. I’ll try to keep it updated as we work our way through the month.

I thought I heard gunshots early Sunday morning. Honestly, Caddee, who sleeps on a dog bed on the floor next to me, has quite a repertoire of sounds she makes while sleeping. I thought it might be an addition. I listened again. Nope not the dog.

Events to come

Oct. 18 – Wednesday

11:30 – 1:30  – Cedar County Resource Share – Liston -local organizations and businesses share services and information – Kallie 417/667-7007

Oct. 20 – Friday

11-1 CCMH Auxiliary – Oinkin’ Spud Benefit and Bake Sale- First Baptist Church – $12 – pick up or delivery – pre order only 417/876-4246

Oct. 21 – Saturday

8:30 a.m. vendors open– tasting at 11 a.m.   $5 for tasting bowl – $3 for hotdog deal -Wayside Inn Museum  CHILI COOK-OFF –  Spring Street – El Dorado Springs

4 p.m.-7 p.m. – Clintonville Lodge #482 –FISH FRY – donations accepted – Sac Osage Electric Community Building.

Oct. 26 – Thursday

10 a.m. – El Dorado Branch of the Cedar County Library – A history of Survival in the hardscrabble Ozarks – Marideth Sisco Missouri Master Storyteller.

Oct. 28 – Saturday

4 – 8 Spooktacular – El Dorado Springs City Park

Oct. 31 – Tuesday

Open at 5 – VFW Halloween – corner of First and Pine – El Dorado Springs
