Would anyone mind if I mention the KC Chiefs? I thought it was a little scary at times, but I was pretty confident they would win. And now I’m glad I can have a little faith in my confidence level.
We are so pleased to be able to carry the information about Tammy Williams of Roscoe/Osceola being inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame. It made me wonder about people from El Dorado Springs. So I called the gentleman at the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame in Springfield. He’s been there since 2015 and told me about the locals that he knew about. I listed them at the bottom of Tammy’s article. If anybody knows of someone else, please let me know.
The 2014 State Championship Girls Basketball team were special guests at the 2024 Court Warming on Friday, Feb 9. To me they looked pretty much like they did ten years ago. In 20 years that will really mean something.
Some of you will get this before Valentine’s Day and some after, but either way, I hope it was pleasing – candy, flowers, flowers and more flowers.
Tuesday was Mardi Gras. I waited too late to order a King Cake, but I do have a collection of King Cake babies. I have forgotten who found the baby last time we had a King Cake. I think I’ll just give a baby to someone and tell them the cake’s on them in 2025.
Does anyone else think February is moving kind of slow? I really think that is a blessing and something to be remembered later on when some random month moves way TO FAST. KSL
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