ALL STATE CHOIR – Over the weekend our choir department attended the All-District choir event held at Joplin High School. They rehearsed all day with guest conductors to perform a choir concert in the evening. Five choir students attended the event. During the morning, Juniors and Seniors auditioned for the All-State Choir. Four students plus two alternates are selected for each voice part in the All-State Choir and Hunter Jacobs is one of them this year. Students from 16 school districts in the South West Missouri area were selected for the All-State. They will travel to Tan Tara for the MMEA music conference and perform in the prestigious all-state choir in January. EHS has not had a student selected for the All-State choir since 2014. If you see Hunter please make sure to congratulate him. All-State choir is a prestigious level for students and he worked incredibly hard to prepare for it.
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