The bank has initiated this program to honor the leaders of El Dorado Springs R-2 High School. Community National Bank & Trust has placed the responsibility of choosing the student with the El Dorado Springs R-2 High School faculty based on their contributions to the school and community. As in the past, they have chosen individuals that exhibit all the characteristics of a person that has given more to others than they have taken.
Back row from left: Tevi Gurley (October 2021) , Reese Schaaf (May 2022), Logan Speer (January 2022), Zach Waggoner (April 2022), and Elliott Carpenter (September 2021).
Front row from left: Lexi Neal (March 2022), Maddi Cheek (December 2021), Keylie Steward (February 2022), and Morgan Mitchell (November 2021).
STUDENT OF THE YEAR -T his year’s Senior Student of the year, nominated by his teachers and faculty, is Elliott Carpenter, son of Lisa Brackenridge. He is being awarded Senior Student of the year and will receive a $300 scholarship to the college of his choice.