ECS MERIT AWARD WINNERS – El Dorado Christian School recognized high school and grade school students on Thursday, January 24, for their, “Demerit-Free” second quarter. Beginning several years ago, El Dorado Christian implemented a “Merit Rewards Program” that identifies and rewards students who strive to promote positive influences in not only the classroom, but in everything they do at El Dorado Christian. Students are acknowledged for their effort to be respectful, their participation, leadership, classroom performance and positive attitude towards classmates, teachers and staff. ECS Principal, Mrs. Kelly Bryson; “We want each one of our students to be encouraged, and know that they appreciated for their continued efforts,” Students, who do not receive a demerit, are rewarded with extra recesses, ice cream parties, or a trip off campus. Each quarter has a different reward itinerary to encourage and motivate the students. Pictured are ECS high school students who received the Merit Reward: front row, l-r; Brenton LeeMasters, Lucia Rogers, Isabelle Bryson, and Joelle Biron. Row two; Eli Daniel, Noah Marsh, Faith Shiver, Jordanne Steuck, and Abigail Reasoner. Listed is Kindergarten through 8th grade that received Merit Rewards:
Kindergarten: Baylor Beaty, Noah Bentall, Travis Bland, Mikey Bruce, Conlin Bush, Abigail Casey, Johnna Gingerich, Amelia Greenleaf, Kate Hubbard, Penny Kinnett, Stephen Kish, Judd Lawson, Eli McCormick, Charlotte Saderstrom, Braylynn Schieffer, and Baley Williams. 1st grade: Lily Bentall, Harper Blurton, Easton Curtis, Lucy Goodyear, London Greenleaf, Dalton Hicks, Bennett Johnson, Angus Mackereth, Natali Maus, Ali Morin, Taiten Pike, Laura Purtle, Grant Rosbrugh, Sadie Watkins, and Samantha Yakel. 2nd grade: Kaidyn Asmus, Paityn Bland, Chloe Conduff, Kinsley Hooper, Grace Hubbard, Aubrey Rodgers, Sophia Spencer, and Jase Tyler. 3rd grade: Jenna Biron, Jackson Bland, Alayna Gingerich, Shay Linsenmayer, Aleta Lyness, and Avery Rodgers. 4th grade: McKenzie Cole, Isaac Hubbard, Mali Rosbrugh and Jacob Tapp. 5th grade: Meadow Ash, Kaydince Kindle, Sydney Vincent, and Rowan Johnson. 6th grade: Sophia Bryson, Jason Conduff, Piper Spencer, and Jodie Yates. 7th grade: Leah Biron, Noah Bland, Breann Reasoner, and Christian Steuck. 8th grade: Oliva Bryson, Rylee Bowman, and Hunter Malensek.
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