SOUND COLLAGE PERFORMS AT SENECA – The El Dorado Springs Sound Collage performed at Seneca Choir Festival on Nov. 5. This was their first performance of their new show “Breakin’ Up.” The choir received a fourth place trophy in their class. They also received the “Overall Crowd Favorite” award which is for all school classes. Front row from left to right: Kaleb Raff, Madi Posey, and Brock Kirbey. Second row: Wyatt Cartwright, Laylee Cartwright, Anna Cartwright, Sarah King, Allaura Stockbrauer, Taten Janes and Skye Johnson. Back row: Hunter Jacobs, Kennedi Murdock, Amanda Dingerson, Justin Ellison, Abby Cartwright, Kelly Bruce and Jamie Isaacs. Not pictured: Brooke Murdock and Kaylee Griggs. The choir is under the direction of Ms. Shannon Grey (soon to be Mrs. Phelps). The choir accompanist is Mrs. Sandra Steward. Paige Floyd, Caleb Alexander, Brenna Dipman and Aaron Simrell play in the band to accompany the show choir.
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