The Kleenex will need to be given to your English teacher for student use throughout the year.
Students are not to bring liquid glue, white out, scissors, compasses, or permanent or sharpie markers. Glue sticks are permitted.
Large athletic bags will not be permitted. We recommend that your student use a regular size backpack that will fit in a locker. Students are not required to have bags or backpacks.
The middle school dress code does not allow students to wear any of the following: tank tops, sleeveless shirts with large arm holes, spaghetti strap tops, shirts which expose the midriff or back, scarves worn as headgear, underwear worn as outer clothing, bandannas, or any type of hat. Shorts and skirts should be of modest lengths, so as not to draw undue attention. Jeans, slacks, pants, shorts, leggings, etc. must not have any holes in them from the waist to the knee. Also, due to so many students having allergies it is recommended that there be NO SPRAY deodorant, perfume, or spray hair products (there are a lot of alternatives, besides spray). For more dress code no, no’s, see Dress Code in the student handbook