ECS ELEMENTARY TAKES ON PLAZA HEIGHTS – Coach Tessis Watkins and her Little Lady Buffs, (grades 4th through 6th) traveled to Plaza Heights Christian Academy for their first game of the season on Friday, Sept. 2. Loud cheers from both sides rang throughout the Plaza gymnasium. They played a great set even though they fell to Plaza 15-25, 17-25, the energy and excitement of playing together fueled not only the players, but the beaming parents and grandparents in the stands. Pictured with Coach Tessie Watkins are (front row) Christian Steuck, Lily George, Sophia Bryson, Nellie Dresch and Emily Redburn; Back row; Wendell Daniel (El Dorado Christian School’s new Athletic Director), Trinity Gayman, Leah Biron and Breann Reasoner.
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