Greetings, My Fellow Missourians
The first thing I did as I headed back to Jefferson City was restock my refrigerator for the upcoming Session. I need a good stock of Osceola cheese, summer sausage and pork-and-beans to get me through the upcoming days ahead.
My first order of business when I arrived was to pre-file HB 1967. This bill would give our State Department of Revenue the approval to join in with Streamline Sales Tax Inc. along with the 24 other current states. This would allow us to use their current Certified Service Providers to collect the online sales tax and send to our Department of Revenue on a monthly basis which will then be distributed to all current taxing jurisdictions which include municipalities and counties.
I then attended the Missouri Chamber Informational Seminar. The Governor’s Chief of Staff presented their priorities for this upcoming Session. They talked a lot about infrastructure and work force development.
Tuesday, Marla and I attend the annual Concord Baptist Prayer Breakfast. This was my 8th time to attend the breakfast. I want to thank Pastor Monte Shinkle and all of the volunteers that work to provide such a wonderful experience for government officials. The guests in attendance were from the Executive Office, Senate, House of Representatives and members of the Missouri Supreme Court. The keynote speaker was Captain Jose Rondon, U.S. Army Chaplin of Fort Leonard Wood. He delivered a tremendous message. I was so pleased to hear that since March of 2018, 10,000+ soldiers at Fort Leonard Wood have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.
Wednesday was the first day of my last Session and there was very little fanfare. We opened the second session of the 100th General Assembly with the official formalities, posting of the colors by the Missouri Highway Patrol, a reading of the Bill of Rights, the swearing in of six new Members of the House and introduction of special guests. The new members were officially sworn in by House Speaker Elijah Haahr. With their addition, the House now has 114 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and one vacancy.
After Session adjourned, a short press conference was held. Speaker Elijah Haahr said the House would not be supportive of an increase in the gas tax, but would consider a Wayfair fix that would level the playing field for Missouri businesses. Missouri is currently one of only two states with a general sales tax that does not tax remote sales. A Wayfair fix would allow the state to collect taxes from out-of-state retailers. During the press conference, the Speaker also said the legislature is ready to craft a fiscally responsible state budget. Lawmakers will again make education funding a top priority as they prepare the state operating budget. Haahr noted that the House already has 866 pieces of legislation filed. His office will refer approximately 100 bills to committee this week so work on the bills can begin. The legislature has until May 15th to get bills across the legislative finish line and to the governor’s desk.
On Thursday I attended the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast with keynote speaker Dr. Ben Carson, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Secretary Carson spoke on why we have the freedoms in this country that we so enjoy and about the importance of unity. This man is a great example to our nation as he stated “We are gathered together this morning to seek God’s guidance.”
Upcoming events – The 2nd annual Farm to Fork Summit will be held in Osceola at First Assembly of God, 3845 Old Hwy 13 on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. The Summit will feature farmers, distributors, buyers, educators, and more. University of Missouri Vice Chancellor for Extension, Marshall Stewart will share his perspective on food and farming as the keynote speaker. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/events/osceola-first-assembly-of-god-church/farm-to-fork-summit /255268405141922/.
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