Register for Lip Sync

Registrations are currently being accepted for the Lip Sync contest by Tania, 417/876-8549, Joyce, 417/876-5035 or Judi 417/876-2691. There are no auditions; however, registration is mandatory. Each Lip Sync performance will be limited to one song and the contestant must provide his or her own CD. It is your responsibility to deliver your CD to

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Gardening Charlotte

Rain Barrel Residents My rain barrels are as much of a “must have” for my gardening as my favorite gardening gloves and pick ax. I have several, all connected to my rain gutters. A good rain shower easily refills them and the overflow continues down gutters into my back wildlife pond. I have spotted turkey,

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Beydlers hold reunion

The 62nd annual Beydler reunion was held June 25 in the Sac Osage Electric community room. A carry in lunch began at 12:30 p.m. with Randy Beydler asking the blessing. The oldest there was Virginia Beydler – 95 years old – and the youngest Landry Rodney – 1 year 10 months, daughter of Breann Thomas

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90’s club

(To put someone on the list, please give us his or her name, hometown, birth date and phone number.) Audrey Rhoad, El Dorado Springs, Sept. 5, 1914 Ruth Roberts, El Dorado Springs, Sept. 11, 1915 Kathern Grubb, El Dorado Springs, Dec. 27, 1915 Josephine Steward Johnson, El Dorado Springs, April 13, 1916 Eunice Smith, Centralia,

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The Rock Wall

With only a week to go, it’s OK to start thinking Picnic. When I was in Birmingham, Shreveport and New Orleans, I wouldn’t start thinking about coming home until it was almost time to throw and go. Kept me from peaking out early. I got some welcome Picnic news this week when an article crossed

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Police Chief: Use your best Picnic manners

by Jarrod D. Schiereck Chief of Police Once more it is Picnic time again, in fact the 136th Annual Picnic. Each year we pause to remember day’s gone bye, renew old friendships, meet new friends, have some school class reunions, and enjoy the carnival and entertainment in our City Park and downtown area. Certainly, we

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Saturday night entertainment

Robin’s Hood (The band) will bring its jazz and light rock to the Saturday night Picnic stage at 8 p.m. The ringleader is Dr. Sam Watts, M.D., who practices at the Mercy Clinic in El Dorado Springs. His accomplices include: Robert Watts-bass, Keller, TX; Sam Watts-keys, guitar, Cedarville; Andrew Jones-vocal, Hall Town; Robin Braun-vocal, Monett;

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Assessment meeting notice

The Cedar County Board of Equalization will meet on Monday, July 17, from 1 – 4 p.m. Any taxpayer wanting to appeal the assessed value of their property as set by the county assessor should contact Peggy Kenney, Cedar County clerk, at (417)276-6700 Ext.221 for an appointment. The Board of Equalization shall consist of the

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