Steven Douglas Huckaby Sr.

Steven Douglas Huckaby Sr., 75,EI Dorado Springs, passed away early Wednesday, July 5, 2017, after a lingering illness. He was born in Manila, AR, on Aug. 7, 1941, the first child of John Bassett Huckaby and Mildred Kathryn (Owens) Huckaby. Steve was raised by his maternal grandparents, Clara Lintz Owens and William Owens, and grew

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Ruby Ellen Benner Belcher

Ruby Ellen Benner Belcher, of Independence, passed away July 5, 2017, at home after a long illness. She was born Nov. 1, 1934. She is survived by two sons, James Mickael and Ronald Wayne Belcher, and three grandchildren – Jermy, Nickles and Jennifer Belcher and one great-grandson, Austin James Belcher. Six sisters survive – Melba

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Picnic booth set up, street dance

The 136th El Dorado Springs  Picnic will begin booth set up at 6 p.m.on Main St. on Wednesday, July 19. Trailers will be set first with tents or tables coming in after. Picnic Committee members will direct set up. Any local vendor may open on Wednesday night when their booth is ready to serve. At

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Register for Talent Contest

Judi is still accepting registrations for the 2017 talent contest, to begin at 8:30 p.m. Thursdaty, July 20. Contact Judi at 417/876-2691. Auditions are not needed however advance registration is required. It is necessary to have each contestant’s name (first and last), age(s), what the talent is, name of music or song and a contact

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Register for Lip Sync

Registrations are currently being accepted for the Lip Sync Contest by Tania – 417/876-8549, Joyce – 417/876-5035 or Judi 417/876-2691. There are no auditions, however registration is mandatory. Each lip sync performance will be limited to one song and the contestant must provide his or her own CD. It is your responsibility to deliver your

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Sam’s Scavenger Scrimmage

Registrations are now being accepted for the Sam’s Scavenger Scrimmage by Picnic Committee members. All teams must pre-register. Teams will consist of 3-5 members with each member being 18 years or older. Each team will receive one copy of the clues. All team members must stay together. One team member must be the designated photographer.

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MU Extension to host alfalfa workshop in Nevada July 25

Alfalfa 101: Establishing a Stand, Starting Production, Harvesting, Feeding and Economincs will be offered in Nevada July 25 at the Vernon County Fairgrounds. The workshop will run from 4 to 8:30 p.m.  It will be taught by Pat Miller, University of Missouri Extension Agronomy Specialist; Wesley Tucker, University of Missouri Extension Ag Business Specialist and

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El Dorado Springs Great Golf Cart Race

The El Dorado Springs Great Golf Cart Race will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 22, on the tennis courts in the Park. The golf cart race consists of two persons. The driver is blindfolded and the passenger will direct them around a designated, marked track. This hilarious activity is limited to 16 years and

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Revised screen time recommendations for children

In recent years, parents have heard from physicians and educators about how terrible screen time is for children. Vast research has linked increased screen time to obesity, psychological issues, sleep disturbances, and behavioral issues. However, many parents found the recommended limits set for screen time in our technology-driven society were very hard to follow according

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