Farm & Ranch

From farm to table: Share the Road this harvest season

Watch out for slow-moving farm equipment This harvest season, the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety is reminding motorists to keep a watchful eye for slow-moving farm vehicles. Being patient, driving carefully and respecting boundaries are all equally important when driving around farm vehicles. “It can be easy to forget that farmers are simply doing their

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Managing input costs

High feed, fertilizer, and chemical prices are currently main topics of conversation. Many times, the initial reaction to price increases is to cut back or eliminate particular inputs. While this can be an effective response, there are consequences to consider. In many regards, managing increased input costs are very similar for forage production and livestock

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Southwest Missouri spring forage conference Feb. 22

The 38th annual Southwest Missouri Spring Forage Conference will be held Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone Ave., in Springfield, Missouri. This year’s keynote speaker will be Corbitt Wall.  Corbitt is a native of eastern New Mexico and Western Texas and currently lives in Canyon, Texas. He

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Prepare for a successful fall calving season

Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist.  Davis will discuss strategy and management suggestions to prepare for a successful fall calving season.  “Heifers are the most susceptible to calving difficulties so pay special attention to them,” says Davis.  Davis advises for heifers to be located near the calving barn in case intervention during the calving process is

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Think hard before converting pasture and hay land to crops

Higher crop prices may have producers looking to expand acres.  Some producers are taking old pasture or hay fields and putting them into crop production.   It seems pretty simple:  spray burn down herbicide, no-till plant herbicide-resistant beans and then spray again.  But this doesn’t deal with some of the other issues that may occur

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Tips on how to store farm chemicals safely

Proper inventory management of farm chemicals saves money and protects animals, people and the environment, says University of Missouri Extension specialist Sam Polly. “With the cost of pesticides, letting a product degrade in your storage shed is not a mistake anyone can afford to make very many times!” says Polly, who teaches private pesticide applicator

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Low Stress Cattle Handling Workshop

Hand N’ Hand Livestock Solutions and University of Missouri Extension are partnering to bring you techniques to reduce handling stress on the livestock and you. Tuesday, Sept. 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Hankins Farm County Road 12 in Arcola. Cost is $35, pre-registration required as space is limited. Lunch included in cost.

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Celebrating Missouri agriculture at the 2021 Missouri State Fair

The Missouri State Fair is back this year for another 11 full days, while celebrating Missouri’s 200th birthday. And the Missouri Pork Association is proud to highlight the pork industry and the dedication of Missouri’s FFA and 4-H youth in their projects. Between August 12 and August 22, fairgoers will have many opportunities to learn

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Regional Grazing School near El Dorado Springs in September

“Economically meeting livestock nutritional needs is important to livestock operation profitability,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialists.  One way to optimize feed costs is through management intensive grazing (MiG) which leads to optimum livestock operation forage consumption and utilization.  Davis urges livestock producers to attend a MiG school to gain knowledge that can

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Landowners, tenants invited to respond to 2021 MO rental rate survey

Landowners lease roughly 35% of Missouri crop, pasture, and woodland acreage to renters every year. Rented acreage has increased in recent years as more land has transitioned to the next generation, interest rates have incentivized land investments and interest in carbon markets and working land conservation has developed. To provide information that Missourians can use

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