Farm & Ranch

Management time to reduce the incidence of anaplasmosis in cattle herds

“Summer time brings on factors that lead to anaplasmosis in cattle operations,” says  Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist.  Anaplasmosis can negatively impact cattle operation performance due to calf abortions, decreased weight gain, bull infertility and animal death.  Therefore, Davis urges cattle producers to manage cattle operations to reduce the incidence of anaplasmosis.  Below,

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Agriculture leases land

Fall is generally a time when farmers and ranchers begin thinking about next year’s business decisions.  During the fall, farmland and pasture leases are typically agreed to for the following year.  We generally field several questions on this topic so a discussion on some resources to help with the decision-making process is in order. One

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MU Extension online cattle management workshop to begin

MU Extension regional livestock and agriculture business specialists have put together a three-night online cattle management workshop series to educate cattle producers on various management and financial strategies for optimum performance of their cattle operation.  “Management is key to profitability in a cattle operation,” says Patrick Davis, MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist.  The workshop

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MPUA statement on Grain Belt Express project moving forward

Missouri’s municipal electric utilities are encouraged by the outcome of the 2020 General Assembly, which ended today. Among the favorable outcomes was the reconsideration and defeat of parts of SB 782 by the Missouri Senate. Senators found a ‘hidden’ House amendment in the bill that was an attempt to kill the Grain Belt Express transmission

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Missouri Pork Association Statement on Implementation of Defense Production Act

President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) to extend much-needed federal support to the U.S. pork production system. By triggering the DPA, the federal government will prioritize the continuity of pork processing plant operations. The following statement may be attributed to Marcus Belshe, MPA chairman and a pig farmer from Henley, Missouri. “We appreciate

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Improve cattle operation profitability

“Tighter calving windows have shown to increase cattle herd values,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist.  A shorter breeding season leads to a tighter calving window.  Below, Davis will share thoughts on how to shorten the breeding season and how this leads to improved herd value and profit potential. “To shorten the breeding

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36th Annual Southwest Missouri spring forage conference

The 36th annual Southwest Missouri Spring Forage Conference will be held Tuesday, Feb. 25 at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, Mo.  Pre-register early because there will be no day-of registration and seating is limited and expected to sell out. This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Temple Grandin.  Dr.

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Look for opportunities to harvest fescue hay earlier

by Pat Miller In the past 31 years, I have seen the date of fescue hay cutting get moved later and later.  Rain delayed 2019’s harvest into July.  When is the best time to cut fescue hay?  When it is in boot, that means before the seed head has emerged.  That may be late April

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Applications now available for 2020 Missouri Agribusiness Academy

The 2020 class will convene in Kansas City for a hands-on look at careers in agriculture The Missouri Department of Agriculture is offering 30 high school students representing 4-H clubs and FFA chapters, as well as farm families, throughout Missouri the opportunity to explore careers in agriculture through the 2020 Missouri Agribusiness Academy (MAbA). MAbA

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