
Cook and freeze now to avoid holiday stress

One way to reduce holiday stress is to prepare some of the food ahead of time and freeze it. From casseroles to cookies, you can have a large portion of your holiday food ready before the actual day arrives. “But some things freeze better than others,” said Tammy Roberts, University of Missouri Extension nutrition and

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Creating confidence: 8 steps to feeling more self-assured

Virtually everyone struggles with a lack of self-confidence at some point in their lives and it’s perfectly normal to feel unsure of yourself in certain situations. However, if you find a lack of confidence is holding you back from fully enjoying your personal life, or achieving your professional goals, it may be time to take

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Want a memory boost? Try a hearing test

Intrigued by all the brain-training products out there to keep your mind sharp and spirits young? You may want to consider something else: A hearing test. That’s right. Mounting evidence links untreated hearing loss to impaired memory and diminished cognitive function. What that means is, if you keep brushing off that suspected hearing loss of

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The key to good caregiving: A healthy caregiver

It is estimated that more than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. For the vast majority, the deeply personal responsibility of caring for a loved one with a devastating disease constitutes a “labor of love,” but caregiving can take a severe emotional and physical toll on those providing

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Send your plants on a tropical vacation

The end of the growing season does not have to signal the end of tropical container plants that have brought months of enjoyment. “With a bit of care they can be carried through the winter and put to work the follow spring as outdoor patio plants,” said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. Tropical

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Hope for Alzheimer’s

by Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Each November we celebrate a number of important occasions. We take time to honor our nation’s veterans on Veterans Day, remembering those brave men and women who chose to wear the uniform in defense of our country. We celebrate the children and parents who have become a family through adoption.  And,

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Savvy Senior®

Garegiving tips for long-distance caregivers Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any long-distance caregiving tips that can help me help my elderly father who lives in another state? He has physically declined over the past year, but is determined to stay living in his own house. Worried Daughter Dear Worried, Providing care and support for

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A Holiday Boost for Family Caregivers

Two days after Christmas in 1947, the Saturday Evening Post featured a cover of iconic painter Norman Rockwell’s “Tired Salesgirl on Christmas Eve.” In Rockwell’s beloved painting, a dazed sales clerk slumps against a wall with her shoes kicked off amid a scattering of disheveled dolls and wrapping paper remnants. While we may smile at

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Savvy Senior®

Health tips and advice for senior travelers Dear Savvy Senior My husband and I are recently retired and would like to do some traveling both in the United States and abroad, but worry about health issues, such as insurance, finding a good hospital if we get sick, etc. What tips can you offer health conscious

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