
Beginner’s guide to hunting morel mushrooms

by Phil Bourjaily Morels are America’s mushroom, more so than any other. It may be because they’re widespread, they’re easy to identify, and they come up in the spring, giving people a reason to get out and enjoy warm weather after a long winter. Or, it could be they’re popular simply because they taste so

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Paddlefish report March

This is the first snagging report for the season. Opening day weather was below freezing and by Saturday we were all enjoying warmer than normal weather. Despite low flows snagging season got off to a good start on Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake – we saw several limits on Truman and a few

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JUSTIN DELK HAS BIG BASS – With only a few minutes delay, waiting for a thunderstorm to move over, 24 anglers took out from Old State Park ramp on Stockton Lake Saturday, March 25. Overcoming changing weather conditions, Jay Carter came to the scales with a big bag weighing 19.31 lbs. anchored by his largest

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Micropteruses and Meleagrises

Someone told me that I asked the same master naturalist question in two different columns. That is what happens when you get hit over the head with a few falling tree limbs out in the woods and sleep too often on gravel bars with a rock for a pillow when you are young. But this

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MDC urges anglers to carefully discard used fishing line

Monofilament fishing line is one of modern angling’s finest tools, but it’s also a hazard to wildlife if old line isn’t recycled or disposed of properly. For example, a barred owl was rescued on March 25 in Platte County after it became entangled in fishing line. Daniel and Debbie Haus of Kansas City are Missouri

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Wanted: Bighead and Silver Carp

MDC biologists are looking at bighead and silver carp (invasive species) to see if they have any impact on our native fish species. Biologists would like to collect all bighead and silver carp caught by anglers on Lake of the Ozarks, Truman, and Table Rock lakes. We will look at captured fish to see if

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Missouri Conservationist now available

The complete April issue of the Missouri Conservationist is available for viewing and/or download at mdc.mo.gov/conmag. This month’s features: Safeguarding Our Glades Dedicated conservation partners help restore and protect Missouri’s unique micro deserts. What’s in a Nest? Scientists monitor nests to study the health of birds and changes to the landscape. After the Harvest Helping

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MDC plans improvements for Schell-Osage wetlands

Changes will improve wetlands and also fishing at adjacent Schell Lake The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is planning major improvements to levees and water supply for wetlands and a lake at the Schell-Osage Conservation Area. New levee placement and design will reduce damage from flooding, saving costs in the long run and providing better

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Rain and Swap Meets

As I have been doing for a while, I will start things off with the master naturalist quiz. Of the several species of hawks found in the Ozarks, which one is known to nest the earliest in the spring? By the way, any master naturalists who bring their master naturalist certificate from the MDC to

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MDC encourages people to Be Bear Aware

Don’t feed bears. Avoid encounters. React right. As blossoms and buds emerge each spring, so do Missouri’s estimated 300 native black bears. As they leave their winter dens this time of year, finding food is their main focus. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds people to “Be Bear Aware” by not feeding bears and

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