
A Scientific Approach

During the archery season in September, a hunter killed a young buck just west of Highway 63 between Houston and Licking Missouri. It looked healthy but testing showed it to be infected with TSE, (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy). That is the disease where disfigured proteins riddle the brain. Thousands of humans have died from those proteins,

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The Greatest Man I Ever Knew

My Dad’s birthday was this week. He died at the age of 84 in 2011. I miss him most when I am on the river, where we spent so much time together. Dad was several inches taller than me at 6’ 3”. He was strong and quiet, hard working and dedicated to his church and

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Don’t let the cold or snow keep you inside

Winter hiking is an exhilarating and fun activity that offers a unique way to experience the great outdoors. The snowy landscape can look like a beautiful winter wonderland, and the crips cold air energizes you, making each step feel refreshing.  Everything is quiet and peaceful, and you can really connect with nature. The snow-covered trails

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MDC says recycled live Christmas trees can improve fish, wildlife habitats

As the holiday season closes, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is asking you to donate your live Christmas tree to fish and wildlife in your area as a natural, year-round shelter. Salvador Mondragon, MDC Fisheries Biologist, said live Christmas trees can easily be used to improve habitat in ponds, lakes, or even a backyard.

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MDC encourages public to use caution amidst suspected avian influenza outbreak

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is monitoring reports of sick and dead waterfowl, such as geese and ducks, across the state. The Department is actively collecting birds to determine the cause of illness but suspects highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to be the cause. Other states, including Kansas and Iowa, are experiencing similar occurrences.

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The River in Winter

It began to rain, lightly at first. But from the dark clouds building to the northwest I knew what was coming. I pulled my johnboat up on a shallow gravel bar due to that promise of coming bad weather, just minutes away. The temperature was in the low thirties, cold and wet. I picked up

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Missouri’s animals are adapted for cold weather

Winter is the favorite time of year for many people. Between the holiday festivities, watching snowflakes fall, and toasty evenings by the fireplace, it’s easy to see why many consider winter to be the best time of the year. However, when it comes to our wildlife, this time of year comes with many more challenges.

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MDC sets deer and turkey hunting dates for 2025-2026 seasons

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) recently set turkey and deer hunting dates for the 2025-2026 seasons. The hunting dates were approved by the Missouri Conservation Commission at its Dec. 13 open meeting at the MDC St. Louis Regional Office in St. Charles. The Commission also gave initial approval to recommendations related to chronic wasting

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Donate live Christmas trees to MDC after the holiday season

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites Missourians to drop off their live Christmas trees to be used for habitat improvement around central Missouri. MDC will accept trees at the following locations from Jan. 1, 2025, through Jan. 31, 2025: • MDC’s Central Regional Office at 3500 E. Gans Road in Columbia • Washington Park

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Attend MDC waterfowl workshops to give input on upcoming seasons

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites waterfowl hunters to a series of public workshops around the state to gather hunter input about duck season dates and zone boundary locations for the 2026-2030 seasons. Participants will have the opportunity to review long-term waterfowl data about weather, migration, habitat use, harvest, and hunter opinions, and discuss

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