The Rich Hill Annual Alumni Banquet held on Saturday, May 27, was attended by over 120 graduates their spouses and their families. Several classes held class reunions in various places in the community before coming to the banquet.
This year’s theme was Our Town and our 129th reunion, having had school reunions since 1888. Classes who reserved tables for their classes for the evening were as follows: 1950, 1953, 1957, 1967, 1968 and 1972. A table was reserved for the Laughlin family.
The evening begin with a welcome by Randy Bell who was the MC for the evening. All stood and gave the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag followed by prayer by Bro. Bill Perkey.
A delicious dinner was then served by the sponsors and boys of the Rich Hill Youth Development Center. They did a wonderful job and our special thanks to them also for helping us move tables and chairs to and from the school. Their help is invaluable to our RHHS Alumni.
Some of our older alumni present were: Marion Eikenbary-1938, Evelyn Stevener-1939, Wanda Ebert-1943, Wayne Wheatley-1944, Mel Walbridge-1947, Joan Buhr-1949.
Following the meal, Randy Bell had the roll call of classes. Although no one from the class of 2017 was present for us of the alumni to welcome them to being new members, we accept them and wish them all the best in their future lives. They are welcome any time to come to our future meetings, memorial weekend each year.
Our speaker for the evening was Bart McClaughry from the Class of 1980. All present enjoyed his talk about memories of Rich Hill and the historians who have kept history alive. What he wants everyone to remember is that each of us are historians in our very own special way.
Dean Fischer gave a talk about JoAnn Laughlin and former students Aylesa Rapp and Emily Craft presented the plaque to her. Mrs. Laughlin then thanked the Alumni members for the honor of having her name a part of the Rich Hill Schools Teacher’s Hall of Fame.
Having no business to come before the Alumni. Randy gave a few closing remarks, all stood and sang our school song. Many then visited and had ice cream before leaving. Many comments of a great evening were heard.
Beverly Sullins, president
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