The Twilight Gardeners Garden Club met on May 16, at Grace UMC. President Ursula Fuller called the meeting to order.

Roll call  “What is blooming in your garden”. Eleven members were present.

Information was given to watch if you buy milkweed plants from some box stores as they may have a chemical on them that may be harmful to butterflies

Doug Abbas and John Roseman planted a Bald Cypress tree in the park at Carmen and Main for Arbor Day.

Donna Cooper purchased wreaths to be placed at the Blue Star memorial.

Marilyn Dresch inquired if our club would be interested in helping Rhonda Friar maintain the flowers at the City Park. Sharon Lansing made a motion and Jeana Ochsner seconded the motion. Was approved by the club.

A work day was scheduled at our Pink Garden on Main St.

Jeana gave information of Taste of El Dorado Springs on June 17 to held at the Park.

Ramona VanWey gave handouts on Monarch butterfly.

John Roseman gave the program on Wild Flowers, good information given. John gave a quote from his father “rose in the corn field is a weed”.

Our June meeting is our tour of members garden to meet at Woods 5:45.

Refreshments by Sharon Lansing were enjoyed by all.

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