Meeting called to order at 6:31

Roll call


Rusty Norval, Chairman

Nadine Sinclair Vice Chairman

Keith Kasco, Sec/Tres

Evelyn Boyle

Diana Johnson

Robert Graves

Agenda Approval:

A motion was made by Sinclair to approve agenda, seconded by Kasco, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Motion was made by Sinclair to approve the minutes of the 8-17-20 meeting, seconded by Graves, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Public Forum:

No one spoke.

Financial Reports:

Integrity CPA did not have a representative at the meeting so a motion was made by Graves to table approval on the financial report for August until next month, seconded by Sinclair, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried

Manager’s Report:

Tom presented the manager’s report. The trucks are all in running order. Stryker is making us a deal on some Lifepaks. These are defib machines. We bought four six years ago and spent over $100K. The price quoted to us for four plus accessories is $78,500. We have a little while to think about it, so no decision was made at this time.

Neil also spoke at this time, going into more detail about the ambulances available to us. The board gave him the specs they wanted and he will have something worked up that can be voted on at the next meeting.

Aaron spoke about changes and additions to the staff. They are working with other counties to establish wider, more comprehensive coverage of the rural areas.

Kasco made a motion to accept the manager’s report as presented, seconded by Johnson, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


Nothing at this time.

Unfinished Business:

We covered all the unfinished Business during the Managers report

New Business:

No new business at this time


Motion was made by Kasco to adjourn, seconded by Boyle, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried,

Meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm.

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