by Connie Maupin
The first meeting of the new year, was held on, January 29, 2024, at the Cedar County Museum in Stockton. The meeting was called to order and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were: President Judy Nichols, Vice President Chris Barber, Secretary Connie Maupin, Treasurer Anna Hopkins, Judi Cain, Ellis Benham, Bob Estes, Carl Reeves, Virginia Barber, Sharyl Henry and Bob Phillips.
Bob Phillips gave a short talk about White Cappers, spoke a little about his military service and brought some German coins and bills for members to see.
Santa Paula Awning has measured for new doors for the museum and said it will take up to eight weeks to get them and then schedule for installation.
All four deeds of gift for the Owen’s Mill replica have been received and finalized.
It appears that an old urban legend has resurfaced, claiming that the Caplinger bridge is a “Montgomery Wards” bridge. Obviously, this is incorrect as the plaque on the bridge clearly states that it was built by the Chicago Bridge Company. The steel for the bridge came from Beaumont, TX, in 1895. It was noted that bridges were ordered by the type of bridge (rig) that was needed, the iron was cut and brought to the site and assembled. Montgomery Wards and Sears did not sell bridge kits. The Caplinger community is still trying to find a way to save the bridge and improve the town. They will be holding a big event in late April at the large campground next to the bridge.
The Stockton School children visited the museum in December and Christa Price’s classes gifted the society with a replica of the Court House and a Historical Society sign that they made with a 3-D printer.
Dwain Wright donated the Garrott Philpott files many years ago. An index, which is a list of everything in the ten folders the files consists of, is now in the archives.
Chris and Virginia Barber researched the Toliver Cemetery and made a video which is viewable on the CCHS Facebook page.
The museum lease is due for renewal July 1, 2024. The society moved into this building in 2009.
Members discussed museum opening dates and decided to delay a decision for now and see what the weather brings in the next couple months.
The subject of the Filley Pipe Company was raised during the meeting. Apparently, it was located at Ivy and not Filley as the name indicates. It was the Gerten Clay Pipe Company and was founded by a family, originally from Germany. Nicholas Gerten made clay smoking pipes resembling the Meerschaum clay pipe and sold them at the Ivy Store, that was run by W. E. Phipps. The Phipps family of Ivy were related to Murle and Luella Phipps.
The society is still collecting Best Choice, B.C. Selections and B.C. Clearly food labels and used computer printer cartridges.
The Niche is still open, and thanks to those who have generously donated items. Donations MUST be clean and usable. Electrical items must be in working order. No clothes or shoes will be accepted unless they are still in the package or have the original labels on them. Donations are always greatly appreciated.
Museum Donations: Patty Wellman delivered some genealogical books, family photos, artifacts and more, donated by Myrtle McCroskie, from the McCroskie, Estes and Palmer families from the Jerico Springs vicinity. Claud Hoffman donated a book outlining his previous writings. Allison Pollack donated a vintage warranty deed and abstract from Alfred L. and Roberta Arterburn.
After the meeting was adjourned Bob Estes shared some photos of birds he has taken. They are beautiful, high end magazine quality photos. The photos will be on display at the Wayside Inn Museum in El Dorado Springs, for a program in the near future.
The next meeting will be held at the museum in Stockton, at 106 West Davis St., at 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26. The museum is only open during the meetings on the last Monday of the month from 1 to 4 p.m. until regular hours are resumed in the Spring. For information, appointments, membership inquiries or to purchase publications call 417-276-1142, by E-mail at, on Facebook at “Cedar County Mo Historical Society” or by mail at P.O. Box 111, Stockton, MO 65785.
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