Iris Belles meet 3 cc

IRIS BELLES MEET – The Iris Belles Federated Garden Club met in the First Baptist Church, El Dorado Springs, for the September meeting. Ten members and a visitor were present. President Dorothy Foster called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by all. Roll call was answered by, “What Flowers Are Blooming in My Yard” and the blooming plants mentioned were abundant – Knock Out Roses, Rose of Sharon, Impatiens, Begonia, Geranium, Azalea, Petunia, Day Lilly, Crepe Myrtle, Cockscomb, Hibiscus, Marigold, Cone Flower, Garden Phlox, Zinnia, and more.  This month’s program gave opportunity for everyone to participate as members shared “Tips and Tricks” of gardening and flower care. Tips: Sometimes people mistakenly call all ivy-type green houseplants Philodendron, but the key to identification is the heart shaped leaves. A great time to dig and divide/transplant Iris is during the fall. They will use the cool temps of the season to settle in to their new space and be ready for next spring’s bloom. The group posed for a picture: Virginia Sprouse, Judy Friar, Sheryl Walker, Mary McLeod, Vicki Golubski, Susie Janes, Annie Gant, Dorothy Foster, Arda Faye Bruce and Ava Crotinger (not pictured). Delicious refreshments were provided by this month’s hostess, Arda Faye Bruce.