LAND O LAKE YOUTH FAIR ROYALTY – Interviews were held for the 2017 Land O Lakes Youth Fair Royalty on July 6 on the fairgrounds. The royalty court consists of three age divisions- Jr. Princess (8-10 years old), Princess (11-14 years old), Queen (15-21 years old). The candidates must submit an application to be considered for the interview process. As a new addition this year, candidates had to make a presentation over a 4-H/FFA project they participate in and explain the key aspects to the judges. All candidates that participated did an excellent job. They will be awaiting results during the Royalty Coronation on July 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds. The community is invited to attend the fair and support the students.
Candidates for Queen: Lauren Ford, representing Stockton Seekers 4-H Club, is the daughter of Brian and Victoria Ford. She attends Stockton High School and is a member of the Stockton FFA Chapter.
Reagan Kennon, representing Stockton FFA, is the daughter of Lee and Trina Kennon. She shows pigs as her SAE project.
Candidates for Princess: KayLynne McCullick, representing Cherry Valley 4-H Club, is the daughter of Mike and Chastity McCullick. She attends El Dorado Springs Middle School and shows rabbits and goats as her 4-H Project.
Macy Stauffer, representing Union Hall 4-H Club, is the daughter of Matthew and Rachel Stauffer. She attends El Dorado Springs School and competes in shooting sports and showing livestock.
Candidates for Jr. Princess: Clara Farran, representing Union Hall 4-H Club is the daughter of Travis and Melanie Farran. She attends El Dorado Springs Elementary and shows calves and horses.
Rhielyn Nichols, representing New Kids on the Block 4-H Club is the daughter of Brian and Zara Nichols. She attends El Dorado Springs Elementary and shows pigs.
The royalty candidates are: (back row) Lauren Ford, Reagan Kennon and KayLynne McCullick); (front row: Rylnne Nichols, Macy Stauffer and Clara Farran).
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