What a remarkable community we live in! Seventy people came out to donate blood at the El Dorado Springs Church of Christ on Thursday, Sept. 7.
The folks at the Blood Drive had extended hours due to the blood shortage and our goal was to collect 40 units, but our community really turned out to support the CBCO Blood Drive. We had 70 people register to donate and we collected 55 units of blood.
Thanks to everyone in our caring community. We appreciate each of you coming out to give your donation. Thank you for this overwhelming response to the need for blood and for your kind understanding during longer wait times than normal at this drive. Your patience and kindness are amazing. We cannot save lives without your precious gift. Thank you so much.
Blood from your donations go to many Hospitals, including El Dorado Springs, Nevada, Bolivar, Joplin and Springfield.
Thank you to the following people:
Ashton Acton, Kathryn Barker, Jeffrey Behl, Lynda Bishop, Dakota Black-Underwood, John Borders, Traci Borders, Evelyn Boyle, Jeanette Branham, Bobby Budd, Erick Butterfield, Kimberly Butterfield, Lila Carriker, Judy Carver, Rusty Carver, Carlos Cary, Amy Castor, Kelby Cole, Dalton Crowder, Melanie Fugate, Suzann Gladden, Greg Guy, Connie Hamrick, George Hamrick, Terri Heitz, Robert Hite, Katlyn Hulsey, Carol Jeffries, Brian Koger, John Koger, Patricia Langford, Kristin Langsten, Randy Langsten, Courtney Lasley, Randy Leedy, Lori Leedy, Larry Lewellin, Nick Mahurin, Brenda Mart, Kathryn Matzke, Jennifer Mays, Carolyn Merrill, Clinton Miller, Bessie Miller, Sherry Mitchell, Patricia Olmstead, Lilly Plain, William Redburn, Matthew Reddick, Karen Reed, Chelsey Rice, Catherine Rivers, Michaela Robertson, Richard Schadowsky, Kareegan Stantorf, Krystal Stone, Debra Stone, Donna Tabor, Greg Tabor, Jeffrey Tipton, Cassandra Trueblood, Faith Trussell, Courtney Waggoner, Wendy Waldo, Gayla West, Steve Wiseman, Mary Woodruff, Travis Yeargan, Daniel Yoder, and Leroy Yoder.
The following are volunteers who serve visibly or behind the scenes for the Blood Mobile: Christena Green, Kay Sewell, Jeannie Hertzberg, Doris Fortney, Jan Richardson, Sheryl Walker, Pat Moore, Becky Traponi, Allanette White, and Teri Biddlecome. Also, a big THANK YOU! to the Church of Christ for letting us use their building for this important event.
Our next blood drive is scheduled at the Church of Christ on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 12 to 6. Appointments are strongly encouraged and can be made by logging on to cbco.org, calling 417-227-5006 or you can call Teri Biddlecome at 417-876-1115 a week or two prior to the Blood Drive to schedule your appointment.
Teri Biddlecome
CCMH Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer
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