Edward E. T. Graham to Wanda D. Graham, STR 9-34-26 /SW/NE; STR 9-34-26 W/NW/NE.
Thomas D. Shearrer to Sherman Lee and Rita Kay Eigst, STR 20-35-27 /NW/NW; STR 19-35-27 /NE/NE.
Barbara J. and Darryl H. Hoke to Michael A. and Heanne M. Hart Trust, LT 28 BL 3 OWL HAVEN SUBD.
Ronald E. Willis to Mark A. Walker, LT 1 WHITE OAK ESTATES.
Fugate Properties LLC to City of El Dorado Springs, STR 28-36-28 W/NW/SW.
Michael and Chastity McCullick to Jason L. and Edith J. Swartzentruber, STR 18-366-28 /S/SW.
Eileen Gooden Trust to Brian and Shannon Eason, LT 223 BL 30 CRUCE’S WEST ADD TO ELDO; LT 222 BL 30 CRUCE’S WEST ADD TO ELDO FF 15FT OF WEST SIDE.
Brian D. and Jennifer Brasher to Jerry Wayne and Deborah Whatley, LT 3 BL 23 FOREST GROVE ADD TO ELDO.
William and Janice Madden Maas to GArrett B. and Alexa S. Mays, STR 24-36-27 /SE/NW.
Michael and Sandra Bullard to Teresa Marie Tidwell, LT 21 BL 4 JOHNSON’S ADD TO ELDO.
Amos E. and Anna J. S. Graber to Amos S. Graber, STR 4-34-28 /E/SW.
William A. and Nedra S. Fox Trust to Dgogstocktonmo05172023 LLC, STR 17-34-26 /SE/SW.
Charles T. and Sally C. Bond to Paul C. and Medea G. Jones, STR 14-35-25 N/SE/SW; STR 14-35-25 S/NE/SW.
Mark E. and Judy Yamada Hunter to Brandy D. Divine, STR 11-34-26 /SW/SE; STR 11-34-26 N/SE/SE; STR 11-34-26 S/NE/SE; STR 11-34-26 SE/NW/SE.
Sam L. and Kristi L. Wilson to The 2013 Micham Family Trust, STR 9-34-25 /NW/NE; STR 9-34-25 /N/SW; STR 9-34-25 /N/SE; STR 10-34-25 /NW/NW; STR 10-34-25 /SW/NW; STR 10-34-25 /SE/NW; STR 10-34-25 /NW/SW; STR 10-34-25 /NE/SW; STR 10-34-25 /SW/NE.
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