TOPS Chapter 319 El Dorado Springs (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) met in the Church Of Christ Meeting room on Thursday, Jan. 26.

Robbie presented the program on 12 things to remember:

1. The past cannot be changed

2. Opinions don’t define your reality

3. Everyone’s journey is different

4. Things always get better with time

5. Judgments are a confession of character

6. Over thinking will lead to sadness

7. Happiness is found within

8. Positive thoughts create positive things

9. Smiles are contagious

10. Kindness is free

11. You only fail if you quit

12. What goes around comes around

Then Robbie had 10 tips for warm-ups for winter.

1 Move it; working out in the winter will get the blood to pumping and warms you up.

2 Snuggle up; get a warm blanket and a good book.

3 Fire up your oven, it will warm the house and you can cook a low calorie home cooked meal for the family

4 End the day with a bath.

5 Sip green tea

6 Hug it out, sometimes a hug makes everyone feel better

7 Add some spice; some spices will warm you up.

8 Embrace the season

9 Call a friend

10 Limit your liquor. Alcohol might make you feel warmer but it actually decreases your core temperature.

Kay led us in singing “It’s A TOPS World”.

We said our TOPS and KOPS pledges.

Robbie shared some bad news with us. Judy K’s son passed away on Jan. 24, he was only 58 years old. There will be a memorial service later on in May or June but no service at this time due to family members being unable to travel to Iowa in the winter. We will decide what to do in way of a memorial later when we know the family’s wishes. We extend our sympathy to Judy and her family.

Robbie led us in roll call. We had 28 members weigh in today and the chapter had a net loss of 7.2 lbs. Angie was again our best loser of the week with a loss of 4.8 lbs.

We welcomed new member, Jerry B., we are so glad to have you on board.

Robbie reminded us we need to be careful of everyone’s feelings. We are here to support each other, not tear anyone down. Also, remember the area around the scales is private, wait till it is your turn to approach the scales. Ask to be signed in when you come in.

Warren reported on the contest. Winners are: KOPS; Marilyn with 51 points she was consistent in staying under goal and this is what this contest was all about. Marilyn won $6.

TOPS: Winner was Juanita and she won $11, 2nd place went to Chris and he won $6.

New contest starts next week. It is based on + and -. It is based on five days out of the week. If you eat a piece of fruit or veggie you get a point, if not you lose a point. If you exercise you get a point if not lose a point. Weight loss is 1 point per oz lost and you lose one point per ounce gained. Calling a contact one time a week will earn you a point and not doing it will lose you a point. You must count your calories or measure your food for another point and if you don’t you lose a point.

KOPS will get points for below goal, at goal or in leeway. They will lose points if above leeway.

Linda H made motion we accept this contest and Verna 2nd motion. Motion passed. Warren will have contest information next week.

We noted Susan is celebrating her Wedding Anniversary this week but she was not here to sing to.

With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto. ‘If It Is To Be It Is Up To Me”

We welcome anyone who is interested in learning about a healthy lifestyle. We welcome women and men of all ages. We encourage healthy eating and offer support through our chapter and the National Chapter of TOPS. We have a lot of fun in our weight loss journey and make lifelong friendships. First visit is free with no obligation. Membership and dues are very inexpensive.

For more information, call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888, TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at Come and join us.

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