TOPS Chapter 319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church Of Christ meeting room on Thursday, Dec. 15.
Kay led us in singing “Celery Sticks and Carrot Curls”.
Marilyn awarded Susan her 25 lb. loss certificate.
Robbie led us in roll call. thirty-four weighed in today. Sue and Verna tied for best loser of the week each with a loss of 2.2 lbs.
We welcomed new member Jo Ann.
Warren reported on the contest. Marilyn and Marie are ahead in the KOPS and Linda W. and Susan are ahead in the TOPS portion.
We sang Happy Birthday to Chris and Happy Anniversary to Marilyn and Robbie.
Sheryl won the right to draw in the marble game, Juanita drew for her and got the winning marble they won approximately $70. New game starts next week.
With no other business, meeting was adjourned to celebrate Christmas with our gift exchange and snacks.
We welcome anyone who is interested in learning about a healthy lifestyle. We welcome women and men of all ages. We encourage healthy eating and offer support through our chapter and the National Chapter of TOPS. We have a lot of fun in our weight loss journey and make lifelong friendships. First visit is free with no obligation. Membership and dues are very inexpensive.
For more information call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888, TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at Come and join us.
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