The El Dorado Springs R-II School Board met on Thursday, Dec. 8. Present were Chad Whitesell, Benny Brower, Allen Hoover, Josh Floyd, Greg Beydler and Darrell Eason – presiding. Sccott Cluck was absent.
The board approved the payment of bills totalling $603,639.57.
The board reviewed the property and liability insurance. It was up $4,000 from last year. The board approved the purchase of additional liability insurance.
The board certified the election results from the Nov. 8 bond election as received. Cedar – Yes 1,590, No 1,085; Vernon Yes 305, No 256; St. Clair Yes 181, No 145. Total Yes 2076, No 1486.
The board approved the transportation route miles from the October count.
The board approved a donation to the Sidewalk project of $1,000. Supt. Koca said that would not come from tax money. It will come from a $5,000 bonus the school received from summer school.
The board voted to allow Dake Wells to proceed with the project design for the elevator and new gym which voters approved. In the board’s draft calendar of events on the bonds, re will be a competitive bond sale at 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
The board approved policy revisions: Policy 2115 Transgender Students
Change in policy gives the parent/student who are unhappy with district policy the option to present an alternative for the district’s consideration.
Policy 2315 Student Attendance
Allows students who are participating in ag related activities at the State Fair for 4-H or FFA to be counted as present for the purposes of state attendance counting in accordance with state legislation.
Policy 4750 Administrative Leave
Outlines the procedures and timelines for placing a tenured teacher on administrative leave in accordance with state legislation.
Early Childhood Center – Supt Koca said, “The building looks pretty darned good.”
He said, “Indications are we are going to fill it up right out of the gate.”
He said they are working on an open house right after the first of the year.
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