TOPS CHAPTER 319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church of Christ Sanctuary on Thursday, July 21.

Our leader, Robbie opened the meeting. Kay led us in singing “A TOPS Club Clover.”

Robbie led us in roll call.  Twenty-six weighed in today and the chapter had a 3.8 net loss.

Sheryl Ann was the week’s best loser with a loss of 2.8 lbs.

Robbie has a form for those wanting t-shirts. Please see her to pick out the size you want.

Angie is keeping track of the summer contest please give her your completed forms.

Robbie announced the KOPS Honor Society will meet Saturday, Aug. 6, at the Golden Corral in Springfield. Anyone who is a KOPS or any TOPS who is 10 lbs from goal is invited to attend.  Guest speaker will be our Western Missouri Coordinator Sylvia Eldridge.

Robbie’s words of wisdom:

Practice the Pause:  When in doubt, Pause when angry, Pause when tired, Pause when hungry, Pause when stressed.  When you pause, pray.

Thank you Robbie those are words to remember.

Carol won the right to draw a marble but did not get the white one.

Robbie presented the program today. She took her program from a TOPS program guide titled “Viva Vegetables” Vegetables are divided into categories:  roots, bulbs, tubers:  these are potatoes, onions, radishes, sweet potatoes, stalk, flowers and buds: These are celery, broccoli, brussel sprouts.

Leafy: These are spinach, lettuce, collards and water cress.

Seeds or pods: Beans, peas,

Vegetables are available fresh, frozen and canned.  Fresh is best if you can use immediately. If not able to use right away frozen is best.

In preparing vegetables, do not scrub all the peel away, you will be losing nutrients.  Instead use a soft brush to get rid of dirt. For vegetables such as potatoes or beets pre cook with skin on, then skin will slide off. Do not soak vegetables for a long time you will lose nutrients.

Cancer fighting vegetables are cabbage, brussel sprouts, collard greens, kale and mustard greens.

Vegetables high in iron are spinach, swiss chard, and beet greens,

Thank you Robbie for a great program. We need to be reminded   about the wonderful variety of vegetables available to us.

We welcome anyone who is interested in losing weight.  That includes men, women, teenagers, and even children above the age of seven. We encourage and reward losses even as small as .2 of a pound!  We kid a lot about that awful .2 especially when it is a gain!  We do not shame you if you gain but help you explore what you might do to have a loss the next week. We have a lot of fun in the process. Today is the first day of the rest of your life as the saying goes so it is a good day to make a life changing decision. We often remind ourselves that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We are here to help you break the cycle and have fun doing it. Please consider joining us.

For more information, call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888,  TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at

Come and join us.

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