TOPS Chapter 0319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church Of Christ meeting room on Thursday, June 2.
We welcomed our Leader, Robbie, back after an eight-week illness. She is not 100% yet but on the way to recovery.
Kay led us in singing, “We’ll Lose Weight”.
We said our pledges and Robbie led us in roll call. Juanita was the week’s best loser with a loss of 3.8. Congratulations Juanita. She said she walked a lot the past week.
Twenty-seven members weighed in today and the chapter had a net loss of 1.2 lb.
Jean read the minutes from May.
The chapter sang “Happy Anniversary” to Jean.
Marilyn presented awards today.
First she did a little catch up and awarded Robbie her best loser for the month of April certificate and her cash winnings.
Then she presented a certificate the chapter won at State Recognition Day for being a gold star chapter. Jean read the requirements to be a gold star chapter. There are about 20 various things a chapter has to do to win this award.
Marilyn said the chapter had a net loss of 16.4 for the month of May.
Best loser for the month was Verna with a loss of 5.4 lbs. Verna won $4.70.
Winner of free dues was Warren.
Virginia G received a certificate for 5 lb. loss and she received a new member certificate and charm. Becky M. received a certificate for bringing Virginia to our chapter.
Becky M. received certificate and charm for being half way to goal.
Susan S. received a certificate for her 5 lb. loss and is close to a 10 lb. loss.
Linda H. received a certificate and charm as a reinstated KOPS
KOPS in leeway and under goal, Marilyn, Marguerite and Carol
KOPS in leeway, Marie, Dorothy, Paul, Sharon, Jean and Melanie.
Marilyn pointed out three members “are on the stick” and almost to goal.
We thank Marilyn and Carol for all the work they put into keeping track of all the weights. There is a lot of work that goes into that. They always greet us at the scale with a smile and if the scale is not kind they give us an encouraging word.
Election of officers will be second meeting in July. New officers take office first meeting in August. Robbie passed out forms for each member to fill out indicating what jobs they would consider taking. Linda H. went over the duties of the weight recorders, treasurer, secretary, co-leader and leader. She stressed each member should get involved in the chapter and take on one of the jobs.
Carol won the right to draw for the marble but did not get the white one.
Robbie’s thought for the day.
Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm is all about.
We welcome anyone who is interested in losing weight. That includes men, women, teenagers, and even children above the age of seven. We encourage and reward losses even as small as .2 of a pound. Please consider joining us.
For more information, call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888, our TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at and join us.
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