Submitted by Lana Sue Jones
Our February meeting was held on Valentine Day the 14th, with Jean Wernel serving as hostess and Georgia Detwiler as co-hostess. Georgia called the meeting to order. . Correspondence was a card from a member to accept her resignation. Treasurer report was given and filed for audit.
The committee report was from entertainment and that the group is still thinking on ideas. The new business was to select a year book theme. The group agreed on the topic of biographies.
A sign-up sheet was passed around to the members to select their preference of doing hostess, co-hostess, opinion, and program. Unfinished business was that ideas for our project is still being discussed. Glenda Ware presented the opinion which was about scams and fraud and how to protect yourself and be aware that it can happen. Glenda Ware also presented the program on Civil War music. The Civil War brought music to a new level of importance and had an influence on the Confederate and Union soldiers. The camps had music and this helped motivate the soldiers to overcome their hardships by entertaining, comforting, and bringing back memories of home and family. The patriotic songs “Battle Hymn of The Republic” and “Dixie” came about from the war along with many others. The young men who played bugles, fifes, and drums played an important role in the war. All the directions and instructions were given by the drum and fife on the battlefield for the troops to advance, retreat, or other actions. The bugle woke the troops at dawn and sent them to bed at night. Music brought about patriotic spirits, directed troops in battle, buried the dead, and celebrated their victory. At the battle of Gettysburg, the south made a battle charge to the sound of “Bonnie Blue Flag.”
he Civil War music was more than entertainment, it provided a valuable way for Americans to express their thoughts and feelings about the conflict.
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