The Twentieth Century Club met March 12 with Sherry Wiseman serving as hostess with Sandi Eaves as co-hostess. Our February meeting was cancelled due to bad weather.

The meeting was called to order by President Sandi Eaves. Pauline Simone, secretary, read the minutes from our last meeting, which was approved. The yearbook committee passed around a sign-up sheet to help plan our 2019-year. Under new business a nominating committee was appointed to propose a slate of officers for next year. The group needs to start thinking about a theme for our next year’s programs and an idea for our May trip.

The opinion, given by Dorothy Foster, was about teachers having guns in the school. They would need to have the proper training with firearms and have the option of having and using one.

The entertainment presented by Lana Sue was the history of daffodils and jonquils and how they symbolize spring. The poem entitled “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud” by William Wordsworth was also read to capture the beauty of the daffodil.

Pauline Simone gave her program on the Ozark Mountain State Park which is one of three parks purchased in 2016. It is located in Taney County near Branson along Hwy. 465, but is not yet open to visitors. It was chosen to preserve the natural landscape, wildlife and its features of grassy ridges and hills, trees, flowers and small ponds. The ruins of old barns, a log cabin and a one-room school house can be found in the park.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to enjoy delicious regreshments.