by Lana Sue Jones

Our Feb. 13 meeting was hosted by Kay Sewell, with Sandi Eaves serving as co-hostess.

The meeting was called to order by President Sandi Eaves. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given and approved.

Committee reports, unfinished business and new business was presented and discussed.

Pauline Simone gave the opinion on how much impact the decisions of government officials have on students’ education in the United States. The charter, public and private schools were discussed concerning the federal funding these schools receive and how much students receive toward their education.

The entertainment was to celebrate Valentine’s Day. An activity sheet and a story about the beginning of the holiday was presented by Lana Sue.

Our program, given by Glenda Ware, was a history of Valentine’s Day and how it is celebrated in different countries throughout the world. Their customs and traditions are much different from ours.

After being adjourned, a delicious dessert was enjoyed by the members.