Respectfully submitted,

Ursula Fuller

Five members met on Aug. 17, at the home of Jennifer Bland.

The meeting was called to order by President Ursula Fuller and the group recited the Club Collect. As we had a late start, we decided to skip roll call.

Our last regular meeting was in May, and the minutes were not available.

The treasurer’s report was not available.

Correspondence: All correspondence was forwarded via email.

Reports of Committees: Ways and means: Carol reported that we have enough Best Choice labels for a mailing.

Under Unfinished Business: the field trip to Back in Thyme Nature Gardens, Neosho on May 22, was enjoyed by all.

Under New Business:  Ursula Fuller passed a thank you card from Marilyn. Marilyn also expressed her gratitude for the meal we provided for her and her family during her husband’s illness.

John Roseman memorial:  The family had requested in lieu of flowers that a donation be made to Dogs Nation, 5810 S. Hwy. 32. A motion was made by Marilyn and seconded by Carolyn that we donate $50. We will ask the treasurer to send a check.

Ursula Fuller shared with the group that Roberta Walker is now in the Nursing Home.

Work at the Pink Garden was discussed: The groups scheduled a workday for next Monday, Aug. 23, at 9 a.m.

Ursula Fuller reminded the group that dues are to be paid next month.

Program: Due to the speaker’s absence there was no program.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, and the group recited the closing vows.

Our hostess, Jennifer Bland, then served delicious refreshments.

Our next meeting will be Sept. 21.

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