by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by our new Pastor Nick Van Dam. Sermon title was “Getting the Keys”, join us each Sunday at 9 a.m. for worship.

Mt. Zion Home Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home to study the Bible with 10 in attendance.

Sympathy to the family of Thelma McCaslin, Thelma had recently celebrated her birthday and was a joy to her friends.

Can you believe it is almost the Fourth of July, time does fly; that time of year the corn has tasseled, lots of hay baled, gardens producing, blackberries are getting ripe, just need some rain.

Enjoyed a phone call visit with former neighbor Judy Pier, they are doing fine.

Friday lunch guest in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home was son, Gregg Pelkey.

Recent visitors in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home was Eric Peterson; Howard is baling hay, Dixie is keeping doctor appointments.

Mt. Zion Club met for an all-day meeting June 15 at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Time was spent tacking quilts at noon a bountiful carry-in dinner was shared by 10 women and two men, roll call was favorite flower. Wilma took the devotion from Psalms 9. After finishing the quilt, time was spent playing cleaning bingo.

Next meeting will be July 20 in the Marge Zink home at 1 p.m.

Rockville Methodist Church Hand Quilter’s know how to stay cool these hot weather days, we spent the afternoon quilting, finishing one quilt.

Beverly Pelkey made a return visit to the eye doctor receiving a good report. They enjoyed breakfast out and shopping before returning home. Tom harvested his cucumbers.

John and Julia Snethen have had a quite week with babysitting granddaughter Shella dogs. They did attend Chapter #73 meeting on Monday evening, and John ran the OATS bus on Thursday and Friday evening Shella picked up her dogs and spent some time with her grandparents, retuning home Friday night.