Morning message at Rockville United Methodist church was by Pastor David Hill. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Tuesday Bible Study 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area is finally getting some measurable rain. With rain comes mud, but we are not complaining. The leaves are still pretty. So far none of the other plants have frozen, but I think that is about to change. Farmers are planting wheat and fall calves are coming.
We have been enjoying the fall decorations especially along B Hwy. The bridge is finally open on the west end of B Hwy.
Terry and Judy Piepmeier have taken a few weeks off from visiting the doctor. That made Judy smile and Terry happy.
Wanda Rector is going to the doctor in Kansas City to see about fixing her hand.
Archie and Judy Pier are enjoying Judy’s sister visiting from Washington state.
Karen and James Rosbrugh visited Marge Zink recently and enjoyed coffee.
Our quilting grandmother, Beverly Sullians, would like to thank everyone who came to the met and greet for her grandson, Arron Ashby, last Thursday at the Kern Center. He is a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers.
Over at Robin Siegismund’s Farm, Belle is happy that her snow dance almost worked. Belle did make a cool grass angel and got an extra treat from Robin. Robin is still crocheting winter hats. Mabel has been visiting and enjoying the little people.
Florance French has settled in and enjoying living at the Appleton City Manor. She enjoys getting cards and visitors.
The Mt. Zion Club met Wednesday in the home of Marge Zink. Ten ladies enjoyed watching Donna make noodles with a no mess machine you see on TV. The noodles were delicious, and we just pitched them in a pot of boiling beef broth as they appeared from the machine no cutting or drying required.
Ginger conducted the Auction. Roberta Dines won the rag quilt drawing. Next meeting Nov. 15.
The Rockville Hand Quilters have been keeping busy. You are welcome to visit us on Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. Coffee around 2:15 at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Call Marge for more information 660.598.4240.
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