Morning message at Rockville United Methodist church by Pastor David Hill was titled “Authenticity” from Matthew 23:1-15. Old Testament Scripture from 1 Samuel 16:1-7. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Tuesday Bible Study 9 a..m.
Mt. Zion area is enjoying the fall weather. The leaves have lots of color this past week, really surprising because of all the dry weather. Farmers are busy harvesting soybeans and checking for fall calves. B Hwy. is supposed to open soon going to Rich Hill.
Glad Nadine Hergeshimiemer is doing well from her surgery. Still in the hospital in Kansas City.
One of our quilting grandmothers, Beverly Sullians, is hosting a meet and greet at Rich Hill Kern Center, 613 E. Park Ave., Rich Hill on Thursday Oct. 26, from 5 to 6 p.m. Come out and meet Aaron Ashby, a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers. Aaron is her grandson.
Wanda Rector vised her daughter in Springfield for a few days. They just had a good time doing nothing. Wanda made it home for quilting and the Golden Apple Supper on Thursday.
Kelly and Dennis Shellburn from Republic visited with Marge Zink. As did Roberta Dines and Howard Peterson. Brenda Peterson and Betty Teel also visited. Brenda Peterson also visited with Uncle Howard.
Tri County Quilt Club will meet Monday, Nov. 6, at 1:30 p.m. for their monthly meeting at the Rockville United Methodist Fellowship Hall.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle has been wondering about Halloween; little people will be coming dressed up funny and getting treats, but dogs she knows get treats when they are good. Petey does beg treats from Robin! Specks likes treats too. Mutt Mark’s dog is learning Robin has treats, but we don’t look funny. Belle decided that it’s just a people thing. P.S. Belle doesn’t own a mirror.
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